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  1. Hi all, I'm about to start the second layer on my Fair American, I would like the planks to look scale. Can anyone point me to somewhere that talks about length and how they were staggered? Thanks again in advance, Wally
  2. I am planning to do a scratch build of the Rattlesnake using Harold Hahn's plans. My question is: can I use a 3/32" sheet plus a 1/8" sheet to make up the 7/32" thick frames? Thanks, Wally
  3. I have a question concerning reinforcing the joint on a keel on a kit such as the Rattlesnake. Is this needed? Or is everything OK after bulkheads are installed? Thanks in advance Wally
  4. I've used an Olfa gridded cutting mat for years (same one). It's 12"x18", never needed a bigger one,I just looked this one up at Jo-Anns (a sewing and craft shop). It's $22.99 but Jo-Anns almost always has a 40% off coupon to use. Wally
  5. I'm to the point in my Fair American build where I need some guidance on how to attach the spars to the mast. I've tried to find this on my own but I've come up empty handed. Is the spar simply glued or pinned to the mast ? Do you then "tie" this with rope? Any and all help will be appreciated. If I can be pointed to any instruction or pictures that would be good too. Wally
  6. I'm back again with another question. I've got the tree nails down to the right size I think, took them down to 25 on the draw plate and the number 71 drill bit seems right - thanks for that tip. My question - what do you use for cutting and finishing (sanding ?) the bamboo tree nails? Wally
  7. Well, back again, with all the help here I've managed to get a few pieces of bamboo down to 25 on the Byrnes drawplate. Next up up is a test on some planking, Would a size 75 drill be OK? Is there a depth for the treenails? Thanks again, Wally
  8. Thanks for all the help and ideas for my treenail "problem". I managed to do about 4' of BBQ skewer today, so far I've passed them through the number 55 hole on the drawplate - is this OK for the 1:48 scale? What size drill should I be using? As always, thanks so much - I can't tell you how much I've learned on this site. Wally
  9. Thanks to all for your replies. The scale of the ship is 1:48. And, I'm ashamed to say, I have a Byrnes drawplate that I can't seem to work! I was using bamboo skewers but not getting luck with drawing. I will try again this morning - what size should I be shooting for> Thanks again, Wally
  10. I'm just completing the deck planking on my Fair American and am wondering about tree nails. Should I add them? If so. I would appreciate any help that you could give me, ie, size of drill to use, etc. If this has already been answered perhaps you could point me to the right spot. Thanks, Wally
  11. Hi Everyone. When I built my bench (2'W x 5'L x 37" H) I put heavy duty casters on it. When needed I roll the bench out into the garage (normally it's against a wall), set the locks on the casters and then I can easily walk around the bench. I use a drafting stool with this bench and a mechanic's hydraulic roll around seat. Wally
  12. Thanks for the replies. Russ - I was planning to use the Buff color on the bulwarks. Should I be considering other colors? Tom - thanks on the heads up on the RR colors. Wally
  13. Hi Everyone, I would like to use the color buff on my Fair American but I'm not sure exactly what shade this is - looks like it varies all over a range between a tan and a yellow color. Can anyone point me to the proper color? Thanks, Wally
  14. Hi, I am following your build and loving it! There's some good information on the Model Expo site. The model US Brig Syren has wonderful documentation (by Chuck Passaro). Under Documentation for the model Syren, Chapter 11 has some great info on cannons and blocks. Wally
  15. Thanks so much Nathan, I haven't done anything yet! You're right, it does look good and seems to me that this would be the way to go. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't bend down to go through that short door on the real ship. Wally
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