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Everything posted by sakcha

  1. Hi Sarah, I was not away, just in a need of motivation of "rebuild" this log Thanks for your kind words. Next model is "Le Renrad", but you already found that. I'm still following your other build, congrats, you have magic fingers Cheers
  2. Here is some change I made. There was no pin rack to bock halyards and sheets, some I made some. I also change the position where the stay is fixed on the mast. It seems sails were too long to fit in the triangle. I fixed it 3 centimetre higher.
  3. No difficulties with the rigging and the mast. Once again Artesania Latina made a good work on the instruction booklet.
  4. The instructions sayed to put the floor before planking the hull, but I didn't follow them. I'd rather keep a good access to the hull, so I finished to planking the hull before doing the floor. No real difficulties here, instructions are pretty clear. I had to sand and use a good amount of coating to get a nice surface before painting. At the beginning I planned to paint the boat with a grey "washed wood" aspect, but after some try I was not satisfied so I change my mind and move to a "classical" paint.
  5. Hi, I'll try to re-do my build log of the Bounty Jolly boat that I did before the great wipe out First part is the description of the kit. Booklet instructions and all the part needed to build the model.
  6. Hi Hoves, if Sara didn't have the instructions anymore, I can scan and send them to you. I built this model at the same time Sara built his, but I haven't taken time to re-set my log since the "big crash". Keep me posted if needed. Cheers By the way, Sara, your upgrade on this model are wonderful ! Congrats.
  7. Hi, excellent work ! I really need to find more time to progress on mine... cheers
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