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Everything posted by Ahoy_there

  1. WOW!!!! what a weekend I've had 😊. Travelled to Hartlepool Saturday morning but knew I wouldn't be able to get to see her that day, booked into the hotel and the room was opposite her, I was well pleased. Sunday was at the museum by 10am when they opened and the reference pics started. I've taken from every conceivable angle, zoomed in and out, even taken video so I covered everything. Didn't really want to leave after, my hubby had said that she wasn't actually floating and that there were cradles underneath her, I'd said she was floating so he asked a guide and was surprised when he said yes she was floating, so he learnt something new as well. Anyway, now I've been to see her again and got more pics I've raring to get back to building, after I've caught up with the washing and ironing 😂 ☺️
  2. It'll be interesting to see the change. Last time I went I couldn't get near her bow because they had cordoned it off for restoration I think. So looking forward to walking the whole length of her.
  3. Well another few months have whizzed past in the blink of my eye and I've still been busy with other things, however I'm excited about my trip up to see HMS Trincomalee this weekend. I'm very sure that once I've seen her and walked her decks and taken a whole load more pics for reference I will be buzzing with enthusiasm and raring to get back doing her.
  4. Hi guys n gals Can't believe it's been soooo long since I posted on here. Yes I'm still building the Trincomalee but a lot has happened between then and now. The pandemic, redesigning the back garden, donating a kidney to my other half and doing a commission build of a viking ship. Anyway I'm back on it and raring to go. The last thing I posted was about the figurehead, since then I've done the grating on deck (which took an age and was very monotonous) put the cannons in and now slowly adding bits to the hull.
  5. So the other day I bit the bullet and started finishing the figurehead. Again it might not be perfect but it's about 4mm big and difficult to handle and I've lost count of the amount of times I dropped the pieces on the floor and yelled 'DON'T MOVE' to my other half while I scanned the floor to find whatever I'd dropped, and the expletives that he's heard made him chuckle. So here it is...at long last finished and painted. I also decided to stick the decorative window pieces on as well to see the finished effect...looking good so far 😄
  6. Ok so more pics as promised. I finished putting on all the extra little bits on the sides and also finished the scuppers. I couldn't wait to see what they looked like painted and I must say they look rather good. I then decided to get the guns ready (still procrastinating about the figurehead at this time ?😉) . Rubbed them down sprayed them with grey prime then with matt black spray paint. Once they were dry, it had to be done, I had to see what they'd look like in situ. Again well chuffed with the outcome. Moving on to the chains on the rear gun ports that were closed. I looked for a chain that was small enough but couldn't find anything so, again because they're so small I thought I'd adapt...I know what you're all going to say that it's wrong but it's all I could do whilst in lockdown, however I think now I've painted them they look good as well 😄
  7. I've done the head and body which I carved from scratch. It's the waistband and swirls that I'm having trouble with. I will try sculpey though...I'm just procrastinating really 😅
  8. I don't have any plans for it at all. I've built a couple of wooden model kits and used those plans to help me but I researched the shape and the rest is from photos that I've taken and got from the internet. It's a plank on frame 😊
  9. Ok Guys and Gals yet another 9 months have passed since my last post. In that time I have got a new job which took up a lot of my time, so when I was furloughed in March I thought I would start on it again. I'm still working on the figurehead (which is doing my head in) but I decided to move onto the detail on the hull for a while and go back to the figurehead later with a fresh pair of eyes so to speak. I ummed and arrred as to how to do the detail and even whether to do it at all, seeing as it is all very small. Anyway I decided I would do it and this is the result. I've got to paint them to blend them in but thought I'd post progress pics so far. I also had a practise run of fitting the front guns, which I will be painting and I must admit I;m really chuffed at what I've done so far and can't wait to start on the other side. Hope you all like the pics and I'll post more as I do more.
  10. Hi Jo Yeah pull that chair up and I'll stick the kettle on and we can have a natter 😂😂. I don't think there's many of us on here. Whats your project then?
  11. I've just realised my build log title isn't in bold text. How can I change it to bold or am I to late?
  12. Hi fellow model makers it's been a very long time since I last posted. I got side tracked by another model because of doing a show at Bovingdon Tank Museum. I was also putting off what I thought was going to be really difficult. In my last post I was just starting to sculpt my figurehead. Well it's 3/4 finished I just have to sculpt the swirly material part and attach it but I thought I'd show you all an up to date pic (plus my distraction)
  13. Hi David I want to have a real good go at carving it...just to be able to say I tried it and succeeded. Lin
  14. So you've all seen my first attempt of the figurehead and we've all had a chuckle at the jelly baby figure (well I have lol). My partner suggested I use a plastic figure and reshape it with filler...I tried it (not going to post pics of it coz it's plastic lol) but I wanted to have a real good go at carving from wood. So....this is my first attempt at carving. I laminated 3 pieces together and drew the profile freehand and away I went. This is the progress so far
  15. Louie Da Fly...I haven't got any plans for this build. All the work I've done so far is from photos I've found on the internet and photos of the ship when I went to see it last year 😊
  16. However I really need peoples help and suggestions now. I'm trying to do the figurehead. Now...I kinda get the feeling that I'm not doing something correctly 🤔. I've never tried to sculpt a figurehead before so don't know what to do it in (Ideally I'd like to do it in wood as it should be). I can hear you all having a giggle I know I have but any suggestions will be very gratefully received 😊 Oh this is my first attempt 😊
  17. Stuck the trim on the other day. Everything is going slowly at the moment things are so fiddly lol
  18. I've done a bit more to my ship. Working on the Bow trim and whilst things were going off I started on the deck furniture
  19. Sorry still on land lubbers terms lol but thanks for all the comments so far
  20. I've been a member for a few years and followed many builds but not posted any of my own. So far I've built the Constructo USS Albatros and USS Enterprise but wanted to do a scratch built ship. After a lot of wondering which ship to build I decided on HMS Trincomalee. I started the hull and wanted to go and see the real ship in Hartlepool. I was in awe at the size of it. Took loads of pictures for reference and came home oozing with enthusiasm and raring to get on with it. I started this build in May 2017 and pleased to show you all how much I've done so far. I've just spent the last 3 months on and off coppering the hull (it is the most tedious job I've ever done). Finally finished putting just under 2000 tiles on a couple of days ago and because I was impatient to see what it would look like I painted the hull today. Next job is to build the front up
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