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Posts posted by captainroger

  1. Hi Graham,

    talking to the media for adding rigging, personally I don't like copper wire since it elongates in case of accidental contact with a finger.

    And there is no mean to schrink it.

    Taking into account the scale, I do suggest nylon fishing line (the thinniest).

    Remeber, it must be applied "wet", otherwise it will loosen afterwards due to the humidity of the air.


  2. Hi,

    maybe I've the proper answer.

    looking to my plans coming from a numbered copy of the 1975 L.B. Jenson drawings book I found that the "object" (altough square and not round) placed exactly where the round one in the picture is, must be a scuttle.

    Look to my attachment and check the perfect correspondence between the position of the square "object" and the location of the purposely made opening on the deck structure.

    There is no reason but for a passage for such an arrangement of the deck construction in that place.



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