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Posts posted by themadchemist

  1. I have no clue,...but I would think serving the shrouds at the mast would be easier with less in the way. but thats a guess as I've never rigged a ship yet. Robbyn should know, or Garward for sure. It seems I read something in Andy's log (realworkingsailor) about rigging the lower masts before adding the uppers, but I could be remembering wrong.


    I really like your cannon rigging, outstanding Job

  2. When in question, your asking yourselve for permission. Only you know, permission for what?


    Just remember, it isn't a race and the last one done IS NOT a rotten egg. The longer it takes, the more economical the hobby is also. Unless you spend extra on wood, but I can justify that as this is MY hobby and ALL my excuses are OK. So are YOURS. Do what you feel.


    In the infamous word's of that great statesman Jimney Cricket -  ....and always let your conscience be your guide....

  3. I believe creativity is something we all have. Some people just have a hard time giving themselves the option or permission of going out on a limb.

    For me, I'm typically sitting on the limb I'm cutting. Tree trimming and flying lessons all in one. As you grow in this hobby, or any for that matter, you too will find your creative self, embrace it and allow your wildest imaginations to take control. Instructions are guidelines, For all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be....

  4. you really have my interest sparked on that book. I've not added to my library as yet as I'm torn between wood and books. but as a bookoholic I will soon need to start working on a library.


    Interesting link I found searching for the book


  5. Moving into a rental - OUCH - that means 2 moves. Its best to take your time and find the right place though. Ive seen too many rush and end up with a house they didnt really want. One of the Dr's at Tammys clinic bought within a week of moving and bought a place they hated.

    Plus its very much a buyers market right now. Good luck with the moves, they can be super stressful. Packing also forces you to admit to all the stuff you've accumulated. Thats why I wouldn't move, too much packratting to deal with for me.


    make sure the new place has a HUGE modeling room

  6. Hey Floyd


    Bet you didn't know there's a great band with your first name :D I'm finally getting caught up on my log reading. Congrats on the house sale. I don't know about out there, but in the mid-west the housing market is dead. Good luck with the move, I've vowed never to move again.


    Nice plans on your Harv... um Caroline. I love to see a good bashing. One question I have on the bulwarks. You stated you scrapped the plywood and I did also on my swift (what crappola), anyway, I went with basswood rather then balsa. Was there a specific reason for balsa rather then basswood? Balsa just seems soft to me, but I'm new so I ask lots of questions. I found the solid basswood sheet cut easily and formed very well and was plenty ridgid without the second planking. I'll never not make my own bulwarks on any kit I build, if ply is provided. (Thanks to Capt Harv for that change)


    I was also going to recommend the Syren Binnacle but I see you already decided on that. I'm wanting to incorporate the Syren's Wheel and binnacle into my swift if possible.


    She's looking good, and the backorder on wood should arrive just in time to have the move over with.

  7. Persistance and determination are the 2 most important talants one can possess, and you have lots of both. They will make you more successful then many other talents and allow a higher completion then average.

    As a techer I always preferred a B student with persistance to an A student without. Too many individuals are good at things because to only do what they are good at.

  8. The pencil is usually put on the plank edge prior to gluing I believe. I didn't bother because I striped the wood planking on my swift. There are many ways to simulate the caulking and treenails also. Its always best to test things though....or even better have someone else test them :D


    IIRC it was on the old MSW1 forum where someone used paper to simulate the caulk and blackened the paper with sharpie marker. During the finishing process the sharpie bled into the wood, the only certainty is uncertainty. but if it were easy everyone would be doing it. The important part is Have Fun! :dancetl6:


    Nice job on the decking.

  9. Seems I read somewhere that beeswax is best if heated after applying. IIRC it was with a hair dryer or some such device, which helped melt the wax into the roping fibre. Of course this is from memory of something I've read, so dont hold me to it. Andy's method looks great, but again that could be related to how it started life, with or without fuzzies.


    When in doubt, try everything and use what works best for your application. I've seen some pretty amazing things used in unexpected ways. For instance Dubz (Dirk), wax treenails. check post #19 out http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/75-hmc-sherbourne-by-dubz-pimp-my-sherbourne/page-2

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