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Posts posted by themadchemist

  1. Hello Ferit

    I've been a bit under the weather and have gotten behind on my build log readings


    Lots of nice additions. The decks look great fully rigged, the cannon balls and holders turned out excellent, as did the belaying racks. The belaying rack/pins are very unique compared with most styles. I find them very interesting and a wonder bash of an otherwise poor kit molded piece.


    Your crows nest method is how I made my mast hoops. I would have never thought to upscale the layering to the crowsnests size though, Great idea! I'll be borrowing that idea.

    Its good to see so much progress, turtles may be slow but it's about quality, and you my friend show quality in everything you do.

  2. Hey DC (david)

    don't you just hate the sound of breaking wood. UGH!

    One thing I've found, anything can be fixed.... Take a few minutes off and cool down... fixing your spirits comes first.... realize its just part of the hobby, albeit a sucko part.


    I just decided I'm going to have to remake the port Top rail of the Swift due to breakage. It sucks but its part of the hobby.


    One suggestion which would be more work on your Corsair then my Swift. I replaced the plywood bulwarks with solid basswood of the same thickness. It has way better fexiblity and soaking isn't an issue. Of course they'd be alot more complex to cut out, but it worked for me.

  3. Beautiful work. Ive always hated the metal ports on the AL SF kit, along with many other kit built features....

    Its good to see you tackle this issue as in gives me ideas on when my SF gets started (still ways off).


    The flush gun ports make all the effort worth it, who cares how long it takes, remember hobbys are to relax not pressure. Your effort has definitely made your SF a looker and unique, she's such a beautifully lined vessel. I just love seeing all the ideas coming out of the MSW SF crowd. Which I can include myself now as Robbyn found me a SF 1 kit on ebay and forced me to buy it. :dancetl6:

  4. Not even 1 free pack of M&M's, what tight wads. Oh well, go figure, its corporate america.


    I read once of a guy that would take 2 M&Ms from the pack and press them against each other, until one smashed the other. The smashed M&M was eatin but the winner moved to the next round until "THEIR WAS ONLY ONE" kinda like highlander.

    He would that send the winners to M&M with a  letter about how after extrensive endurance testing, that M&M had proven ist worth and should be considered breeding stock for future M&M's... They end up sending him free M&M's.

  5. I've been wanting a set of good carving knive and was wondering if I could make some. As a ex-butcher I have so many knifes and I'm sure I have something I could grind down. I see theres still room on the cart are you going to drawer that last bottom space with a bit deeper shelf. I love the shallow drawers. Looks like that last bit of space is just about right for paint and bottles of stuff.


    So are the hatch lids glued, or just the rails to the roof? I'd think you could soften them with water, maybe water soaked paper towels rolled up and layed along the glued edge, then see it a #11 blade can free it softened glue and CA. That is if you even want to bother. The real question is how will the shorter front effect the door, they are pretty small to begin with.  


    Welcome to MSW Azzoun.. There are a few connys being built. and IIRC Texxn5 just finished his Revell Conny and is starting a Morgan. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-plastic-196-kit/

  6. YIKES,

    Mark be careful what you post.

    The floor scrubber pic gave me flashbacks of my midnights at Walmart.

    4 years of midnight floor maintenance, so I could go to school. We used one of the side by side scrubbers for stripping wax. Now thats a nasty job.

    At least I could tell everyone I was a stripper for a living :dancetl6:  LOL.

    We actually had a propane buffer that was fun to operate.


    But seriously didn't they do it more like this, Kevin grab your holystone.


  7. Are the deck houses glued to the deck? What type of glue, I think PVA can be softened with alcohol , or water but that may lift the decking also. If its CA they make debonder but I don't know how that may effect the wood.

    Is the back deckhouse backwards on purpose. The kit shows them with both hatches facing back.

    Personally I plan on removing the back deckhose and adding a binnacle and wheel, I haven't yet determined whether to try and patch the hole in the deck Or make it a grating or compainionway or skylight or..... So my answer is do what feels right.

    Like you said its a learning exercise, so there is no wrong answer. After all she's a custom just


    By the way I'm still throwing wood together, using different wrist angles and still no cool little cart.... :D Nice work. BTW, those carving knives in the top draw on the right, are those made from steak knifes or did you get them some where? I like them alot.


    I really like colours of the deckhouses also.

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