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Time for a build log on the Jolie Brise,


having already seen a couple of builds on the net the kit seems pretty straightforward but nevertheless I've already planned to do a few alterations.


I already made a start on this model a year ago and now it's time to proceed.

Keel and bulkheads went together without any fuss and soon followed the deck and deckplanking.

A couple of the bulkheads were not quite flush with the deck but that was solved with thin wooden strips and some sanding.


The lower decks are covered with cedar strips (these were actually meant for lighting cigars..........)


and now some pics








Made a start with planking the hull and trying to figure out the best way to get the planks around the tight curve of the stem.....


to be continued







Hi Ries, nice deck planking. Will follow your built with interest.


Happy modeling


<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

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<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

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<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


planking almost done, the hull already showing the fine sleek lines of the cutter.

now comes the fidlly job of filling the last gaps.

in between done a bit of different woodworking.....getting rid of the chestnut tree in my garden







Nice progress Riess. You have now a bunch of wood to start scratch building :D




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

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<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

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<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


John, that could be a possibility but most of it will probably end up in my sister's stove.


planking finally done, now it's time fore a bit of sanding the hull smooth






the rudder


going to work a few steps ahead, have to do this before fitting the keel, stem and rudder-post.

As I want to leave away the hinges, I decided to make a new rudder.

the positon of the upper and lower pivot points have been a bit of a headache and I chose for what seemed to me a reasonable option.


to be continued....







drilling a hole for the rudder.


this was the next step and I had already been thinking about how to do it. no drill that long in my toolbox to do the job.

time to create a special tool for it; found a piece of stainless steel pipe, 4mm in diameter, on which I filed a couple of teeth. then pressed the end slightly oval so the core that would be left when drilling wouldn't get stuck inside the pipe.

made a spare rudderpost, nailed it in position and clamped a piece of wood on each side of it.

put the drill between the wooden pieces and used another piece to press the it against the rudderpost.

first centimeter was done by hand and then continued with the electrical drill.

I must say that I'm quite pleased with the result as it came out almost perfect on the other side.







You have done a very accurate job in an inventive way. Next job is being a toolmaker I presume :D .




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

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<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

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<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>

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