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PLEASE NOTE.....Build logs are to be light hearted places for members to discuss the building of their model. It is NOT the place for senseless chatter and conversation. Please DO NOT post nonsense in another persons log. They might be nice and not say anything to you but that doesnt mean you can hi-jack their build logs. It makes reading through the logs a horrible experience for 99% of our members. 


KEEP THE NONSENSE CHATTER AND SNARKY HUMOR OUT OF THE LOGS AND KEEP THEM ON TOPIC....all people who dont comply will be warned...and all non relevant content will be deleted.

This area is intended for your build logs of any KITS you are working on, whether they are Wood, Plastic, Card, or RC kits. This is the place where you can document your step-by-step progress. Post images of your work and share your techniques and ideas with your fellow Model Ship World members. Do not post only photos of your completed model. Those should go into our "COMPLETED" model gallery where you should set up an album.

How to set up your log?

Create a new topic in "Build Logs for Ship Model Kits" for each individual kit you are working on. Please place them in the appropriate era  for them.  The date ranges listed are used to identify your model kit by the era in which the ship was launched.  As you make more progress on it, reply within that topic to post updates on it.

Please keep all such posts on topic with regard to the kit log you are working on.

How to Name your build log?

We have a "Build Log Naming Convention" to enable the Search Engine to sort them Alphabetically by "Ship's Name" and/or "Builder's Name".

We urge you to follow the guidelines below to make this work properly. If you don't, a Moderator will do it for you anyway - so you may as well get it right first time and save us the trouble.

To Edit your Build Log Title - simply go to the FIRST post of your Build Log and click on the Edit button in the bottom-right corner. The Title Box is at the top in the Edit Box.

This is how your Build Log Title must be set up for for all build logs for kits:


Name of the ship - your user name - the mfg name - the scale


For example....


HMS Victory by Chuck - Caldercraft - 1:64

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