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Currently into an LCS-2 USS Independence Trumpeter 1:350 build.  Want to try and model the flight hangar reasonably accurately, the internal walls of which appear (photo link below ~ credit navy.mil) to be layered in a combined heat reflective / sound attenuation material.  I have glued in internal archway / bearers, made from 1.0mm Plasticard and will make some internal conduit / piping from various other bits and pieces I have lying around.  I also have silver Tamiya paint which I can spray (onto Mr Hobby air brushed primer) but wondering how to get a "textured" finish to the reflective surfaces.


Thanks in advance.

Photo credit - navy.mil ~ Petty Officer Second Class Michaela Garrison


When I look at the linked picture, I don't think that any structure of the the aluminium? lining inside the hangar would be perceptible at a 1:350 scale. I would spray the internal structure in silver and then modulate the silver with a soft (e.g. B8) pencil to simulate the folds etc. in the lining.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



M-et-M-72.jpg  Banner-AKHS-72.jpg  Banner-AAMM-72.jpg  ImagoOrbis-72.jpg

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