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I got my Langridge so now I'm trying to apply the knowledge to my tentative build. I'm looking at a scantling list that someone(sorry) posted a link to the other day. It lists ships according to number of guns. The Discovery had 10 guns apparently. I've seen it called a Sloop of War, it was converted to a bomb ship and was about 100' long.  Oh, and it was 300 tons. That narrows the scantling list down to 3 columns I think. Sloop of War, 300 ton sloop and a Bomb vessel.

So if I picked a column would I be fairly safe as to sizes of stuff?



There I go going off half cocked again😳 Seems the older I get the less tolerant I am of perceived hassles. I apologise for that and I'll try to control it in the future.

I found Dave Steel's  Elements and Practices in free E-book on Google books. It's the 1812 version(if there is others), will that work for late 1700's? Is Google books on the bad list? I now have Longridge and Steel. I think that if there is anything that I can't find in those two I'll just guess at it.

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