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Working on the Constitution and I am looking for advice on the cannon hatch covers.  The lower hatch seems obvious.  Leave it flush against the hull.  Trying to decide what to do with the upper hatch.  Flush against the hull seems easy but My guess is when opened they probably sat at an angle off the hull.  Can someone point me in the right direction here?




Having been around large guns on ships and seen the damage shock waves from Muzzle Blast can do, my guess would be that those with experience would secure them up against a stopper or held hard against the hull so they could not move when the guns were fired. Suspect most will tell you to leave them out because that is what they have seen in models for years. Hard against the hull or against a stopper will get you more disagreements than leaving them to flap in the wind as is the norm in the modeling world when they are modeled on the hull. Seems like those upper covers were removed and stored below when exercising the guns, probably experience dictated that solution.


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