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Spanish Treasure Galleons

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Spanish  Galleons 3D hull shape


My goal would be to make an addon in 3D Blender 
to draw the Galleon basic hull 3D shape if possible!

how to draw Spanish  Galleons 3D  hull shape !


after may be add the inside outside plankings- Frames - floors and other accessories


Spanish treasure galleon

for the Spanish Galleon there is this general 500 ton galleon for transporting gold silver ect
from South America to Spain and EU
i cannot find this model type in The old treaties circa 1615


Tons question !

i also wonder about what this 500 ton value is ?
is it the water displacement of the boat ?
and is this 500 given in modern tons units or else ?

Spanish treasure galleon

I read that Spanish used to have group of ships for safety security reason
and galleons were limited to use on dangerous trade routes 
Again here there might be more then one model including the merchant and military Galleons!

i got some PDF papers on Galleons shapes design like
Galleons for  UK and  Spanish 
The Reconstruction of a Seventeenth-Century Spanish Galleon


and some others Papers !


looks like size depends on the Years in the Era of age of sail 


q1  -
main problem is how to draw the horizontal parts at the front of the ship or even the  AFT section 

In some PDF i can see some side vertical projections showing AFT and Bow  but not much on horiz cross section






1) Would prefer to have some Internet sites references if possible


2 ) If needed  i can start a new thread on Blender artist forum

where i could upload basic 3D shape using 3D Blender files


any feedback help appreciated 


happy Bl

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Are you fluent in Spanish? If so, here is all you need: 


The site teaches you how to design a spanish galleon following the Reales Ordenanzas de 1618 (Spanish Regulations of 1618) and the regla (rule) del As Dos Tres, according to Thome Cano. If you follow the instructions you´ll end up with a galleon of the type you´re interested in.

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