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1902 Seine boat by RegAuthority - SMALL - 1/24 scale - First scratch build - based on Benjamin Latham plans and Church and Connnolly book

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So first scratch build whilst I wait for the next model (Duchess of Kingston from Vanguard Models). I’ve done quite a bit in the background as it’s my first attempt after 6 kit boats from Artesania, Occre and Model Shipways.  Work has been fitful as am undergoing chemotherapy and numb fingers are a side effect, and I wasn’t trusting myself to spend time building and then mess up with unresponsive fingers…..  


It’s been great therapy, and nursing staff actually have recommended me to keep at it as I recover, so the DOK was ordered…..


Please note I’m still learning anatomy of ships and boats, so technical terms are work in progress.


I’ve used the plan provided with the Benjamin Latham, and upscaled to 1/24 as I really enjoyed the building of metal parts on the Latham, based on the amazing  build logs here and the book by Chapelle, and got challenged with 1/48 scale.  I thought larger scale  might me easier with my fingers at present.  I will return to the 1/48 to finish off the Latham – currently awaiting ratlines, anchors and some deck equipment, that are beyond my patience levels and numb chemo fingers at the moment…


So in quick succession, images of jig through to hull, which is coming in at about 10” in length, 4” wide and around 2” tall. Wood has been from all the left overs of the aforementioned kits and some balsa for the jig itself, so it’s not been scaled so far -as I’m going to go for smooth hull using filler and “elbow grease” sanding, based on the images from the build-log Vincent Lombardi.  These updates will come in a later post.


So some quick catch up images..

 jig and hull



Sidetrack to oars




Bigger side track Brass Kerosene torch…


Found single  image on web to supplement the Plans from Latham, and working with brass sheet, rod and jewellery beads (100% brass v good value…..).


In progress, working on polishing techniques as used coarse needle file to clean up.  Burnt fingers a little due to difficulty in holding 





Next steps clean up hull, start to work on smoothing and filling hull, and the insides of the boat…


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