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Review comment etiquette

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Hi all,


When we post a review of a tool or kit at MSW, we do so objectively. We aren't obliged to write a glowing review as we have gotten a 'freebie' as some folk would assume (not on MSW I would hasten to add), but we are expected to be both critical and constructive. If we see limitations, then we mention them. We get some really good comments, questions and replies to these articles, which have taken time to create, and also at a cost to the vendor. 


What we would kindly ask, in the interests of forum etiquette, is that any talk is limited to the item reviewed and its availability, and not onto links to competitor items which is grossly unfair to the company that wishes to see their products honestly assessed/critiqued, including good/bad feedback about the item from someone who has made a purchase.




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