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Everything posted by igorcap

  1. Probably every modeller wants to build a model in the Navy Board style. In 2004 I started to model the American privateer Oliver Cromwell in 1/48 ( original built in 1776). Model is built on drawing from Harold Hahn's book "Ships of the American Revolution and their models". The model is not completed at this time.
  2. Sorry Pat , but I did only a head figure for this model. But I also like this style of model
  3. Thank you uss frolick ! Unfortunately the customer is not has ordered me stern decor.
  4. Jud , I also thought it would mount for boat boom , but why are three pieces from each board ?
  5. Hello Moxis ! Hello Pat ! Thank you ! I use Rhinoceros , Sculptris , Poser etc. I have 3-axis CNC millind mashine. CNC machine are controlled LinuxCNC.
  6. Head figure for Pegasus model. First, design model in 3D, then CNC mashining and manual finishing of.
  7. Thank you Nils. But my question remains open ...
  8. Yes, this is the royal yacht Nix 1862 in St. Petersburg. Fragment of drawing above is royal yacht "Queen Victoria" was built in England in 1855 and presented to to the russian tsar Queen Victoria about a half times more than Nix. A few years ago I was doing the reconstruction of the yacht. You can see it here. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.777760035618659.1073741828.100001540102730&type=1&l=375f537773 Now there was more information and I want to make a more accurate reconstruction.
  9. Here are photos of a similar vessel
  10. There are many questions, but no answers It is a historical drawing. Unfortunately no other plans. I have long as there is are two variants: 1. At this point were fixed preventer or topmast shrouds. 2 .At this point were fixed removable boat boom
  11. Hello everybody! Can someone explain to me appointment of these elements? This drawing of English yacht about 1850.
  12. Sorry, I will not cast cannons. I got an order only for wooden models
  13. Thank you for your comments. Guns will casting in soft silicone molds.
  14. I used an ordinary pear. Main works made on lathe. Trunnions (axes) were inserted separately. Small parts were glued in milled grooves
  15. Wooden models of guns for subsequent casting of metal. Large size, large scale, this work was interesting.
  16. Hello! It is my last work - head figure and decor for Royal yacht " Queen Victoria "
  17. Hello ! I made decor for model of French corvette L'Aurore to order. This is made on a CNC milling machine from pears. Decor needs a little polishing finish
  18. Thank you for your interest in my article. I see that it does not leave you indifferent. I do not claim the invention. This is a classic POF but I wanted to focus on the features: 1. Frames not installed on a relatively soft keel frame but on a hard plank. This prevents any deformation during planking. 2.The base consists of two layers instead of just one which overlapped. This increases the rigidity and stability of the hull. 3.Thick frames allow you to use a stapler gun for attaching planks. It is very comfortable and fast running.
  19. Hi everyone! I want to suggest an article about one of the ways to build hulls of shipmodels. Link to article http://sailmodel.ho.ua/present/pres_e.htm Unfortunately I was not able to put the article here in the forum with the correct formatting of the document. I would be grateful if someone can help me. I will also be thankful for comments and corrections of errors in the text.
  20. Jingyang! Your work is exceptional, it is new higher level of modeling!
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