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Everything posted by igorcap

  1. A set of decor for model HMS Enterprize 1774 ( drawings from SHIPYARD ) Original drawing Sketch samples 3D models Result in wood
  2. Head figure of Swedish royal yacht Amphion 1778 (3D model , finished )
  3. Secret technology is very interesting I like !
  4. It will be prototyping on 3D printer, then cast metal
  5. Hello everybody! I finished 3D model rigging of the brig Mercury. Only rigging and sails
  6. Very nice work , Alex ! I just thought about it, and you've already made. This will be a new revolution in modeling!
  7. Yes, this is an interesting topic. I also have a lot of ideas, but as long as there is no implementation. So I follow with interest this topic.
  8. Try like this http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic1392start160.html
  9. Unfortunately I did not take photos during long period. Next picture: over external planking and gun deck
  10. Hello Wacko ! I use Rhinoceros as 3D editor , Rhino CAM ( CAM plugin for Rhino ) , LinuxCNC as controller. In Rino I work on for 14 years.
  11. Yes, I did it myself. First I made a 3D model, then CNC milling and final manual processing.
  12. At this point I interrupted work, because I received an order to build a model of Flemish galleon. Then I came back periodically to build of model but did not take a photo. A little bit about some detail .Decorative elements to the stern.
  13. Continued ... I marked and cut gun ports, tried taffrail and did lower hatchs
  14. A bit on the prototype and model. In reality, such a ship was not built ever. This is one of concepts that developed F.Chapman on request the Swedish Government in 1765. He was given task to create an inexpensive heavy frigate, which would battle with the ship line, if necessary. Frigate had to meet the following specifications: Dimensions Length 145' 6'' (imperial) Breadth 38' Draught Aft 17' Height of middle gunport above the water 6' 4'' L/B ratio 3.83 Armament 26*18-pounders, 12*6-pounders At least a decade ahead of it?s time when Chapman made the plans for this ship (the first french and british 18-pounder frigates were launched in the late 1770s). The guns are mounted on sliding carriages to reduce the number of men needed to operate them. In future, based on this concept F.Chapman built a series of heavy frigates type Bellona The model is built on the scale of 1/48 . Style of model should simulate naturally aged model of 18th century
  15. Next, I need to remove fragments of technological frames. I took a short video that showcases simplicity of this process http://sailmodel.ho.ua/present/09098288.MP4.mp4
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