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Everything posted by igorcap

  1. Bellona's head figure is now in wood. Scale 1:48, height 90 mm. Pink pear, coating with linseed oil, wax polish on top.
  2. Two hours. Speed 20 mm / sec, a step of 0.05 mm
  3. Fragment of decor of yacht Royal Caroline from wood. CNC made
  4. Thank you! Yes , for sale. Please , write to private for details
  5. Thank you! Model is being built by another modeller, I just made drawings and I produce individual parts for it. Here are a few views of models, but there show a late version of pump
  6. The pump of early version for model of Royal yacht Queen Victoria. Made of steel, industrial-grade blacking and corrosion protection. Scale 1/32
  7. Historical lifeboats reconstruction, based on sketches, pictures, drawings, real boats, etc. with further construction of pear using CNC. Completed boats: 22ft gig (192mm) and 10ft yawl (100mm) Scale 1:32 Material: pear All parts are CNC-ed Accurate imitation of real clinker planking Without coating (varnish and other)
  8. Reconstruction of decor and production of elements from wood.
  9. Sorry, I did not receive a notification in time. I postponed this project, I was busy, but now I want to return to it There are no original drawings. I used the drawings of HMS PEREGRINE GALLEY. The rest of the information from original model
  10. I was asked to make drawings on a scale of 1:20. The full dimensions of the model 370 X 120 X 340 mm were obtained. Only 8 sheets of A2 format in PDF format for self-printing in copy center. Preview sheets and a full-size drawing fragment for quality assessment is attached. Who are interested - write in a personal.
  11. 3D model of botik (boat) St.Nicolas ( boat of Tsar Peter 1st) are finished. Accurate reconstruction from dimensional drawings and photos of real botik from Maritime Museum in St. Petersburg. Drawings are ready.
  12. I got a more high quality photos of this model
  13. Today I saw application of my decor. I will not be modest. I like
  14. Hi Dziadeczek ! Thanks for feedback! This lion I painted step by step for about 3 years, gradually bringing to perfection. I was very much helped by advice of friends. I looked at your proposal and agreed with him. It will be better this way. Initially, the lion was correct, but after cutting out groove for stem, his back became lean. I will consider your wish. Thanks again
  15. A short video for demonstrating manual finishing of decor.
  16. Classical head figure of Lion. Suitable for sailing ships of 17-18 centuries - England, Holland (last), Spain, Sweden, Denmark and others.
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