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  1. Hi- I have the crothers book about clippers as well as his book about packets. Over the last 20 years I have collected every book on clippers that I could find. I built the model Shipways flying fish with an insane amount of detail on the interiors. I want to build the Chariot of Fame sometime but now I'm working on a 1/285 Glory. I've been influenced by the models of don mcnarry and I like the smaller scales. sterling
  2. Rob-- I'm a bit obsessed with McKay clippers. My Glory so far is the hull form roughed out and most of the profile templates made. What plans are you working from? I assume the Mjeld plans? Did you find a full size set or copy them from the book like I did? sterling
  3. I built the Model Shipways Flying Fish over a period of five years many years ago. I went all out on the details with the deck house all fitted out with all of the furniture such as bunks and tables. The galley stove has pots cooking. I stopped building when I got to the main mast standing rigging. I am just this year working on the Fish again. I am planning to to do the after cabin what I did on the deck house. I could do a build log on this ship if anyone is interested. Oh yeah--- I also left off some of the larboard hull planking to show the tween deck. Sterling
  4. Hi all-- I'm not sure if this is the right spot to ask this. I'm looking for info about William Crothers who wrote my favorite ship book the American Built Clipper Ship. His latest similar book published in 2013 is about packet ships. He is listed online as being born in 1912 with no death date. Am I to assume that he is now 105 years old? thanks- Sterling
  5. Hi-- would you happen to know of any other ship modelers in Utah?



  6. Many thanks to all of you. I have found sharper Glory plans in the book Clipper Ship Captain by Michael Mjeld who did a lot of research on the glory and wrote two books on the ship. I plan to do a model at 1/285 scale with as much detail as I can Sterling
  7. Hi Jeff -- nice to meet you. I have several Model Shipways kits. I started the Flying Fish 20 years ago it is is what really got me going with wood ship models and American clippers. I stopped working on the fish 15 years ago and just resumed tonight. Finishing up the standing rigging. sterling
  8. Hi anja-- no problem at all😝 Sterling
  9. Hi anja-- well my real name is Sterling Price(not sure why you don't believe it😃) i wonder if the plans are available from nrg still-- they used to sell them. sterling
  10. Hello all ---I am a returning member after several years and I am getting back into ship modeling. I live in Salt Lake City. I focus on 19th century clippers and packet ships. I like miniature scales and am still working on my Romance of the Seas clipper at 1"=24'. Yesterday I received the NRG journal CDs and am having a good time going through them. Volume 25 has a great article on Mckay's Glory of the Seas reconstruction plans. The plans in the article are a bit blurry. Are the full size plan available anywhere? I have tried the NRG store. Thanks! Sterling Price
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