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Everything posted by sygreen

  1. I did trim the bow pieces small amounts until it was flush with bow, the piece on the 1st bulkhead I trimmed so it did not project beyond the bulkhead. I then filed ti on an angle . It seemed to work pretty well.
  2. I had the same problem and when I adjusted the opening for the deckhouse , it worked perfectly. Just undo the glue as Casey says
  3. On board also, waiting on pictures when you get back from vacation
  4. I think I still have some more shaping to do on the stern but unsure how much as I do not want to file too much
  5. I am not sure of the stern. Do I file down the #9 bulkhead to match the curved stern? I am also not sure of the angle to file the sides of the stern I also made a mistake and cracked the curved piece. I glued it back together . I hope it doesn't hurt the final shape. I think I will be planking back there, correct?
  6. I finished the bow and stern fillers and think I got the angles right on the bow
  7. To harbm, My bulkheads extended beyond the decking as well. I filed them down and tried to retain the same shape. I'll post a picture to show you Was that correct Casey?
  8. Fishface, Nice to spend a week in Corfu. Wish I could be there
  9. I live in the bay area California I actually grew up in Montreal Canada and have been a big hockey fan as I see you are you Casey
  10. Thanks Casey, The piece was staring me in the face and I didn't realize I had it. Appreciate your critique on the decking: "front bulkhead might have to be lowered so the bow is pointing up." how do I do that ? can't picture it "the bow section may have trouble laying flat." not sure I know what you mean
  11. These are the pictures after gluing the deck I think I got the double angle correctly as well as aligning the stern What you think?
  12. harbm is the screen name of one of our fellow Scotland builders who is helping me big time
  13. Yes, my kit has 2 pieces on each side and are going to be a real pain to keep the shape correct. On my #17 piece, if I have to make it from scratch do you have any idea how I get the curve right?? Sy
  14. Hi cdogg, 2 questions on the pictures 1. How did you maintain the curve on the filler attached to the keel. Mine is too long and extends beyond the deck. Did you have the same problem and how did you shorten it? 2. I notice that your planking on the bow does not extend all the way and appears in pieces. Any reason for that? Hope you can help me Sy
  15. Yes, Fishface, the pieces of wood need to be measured in mm to find the right lath but the one you need fits perfectly on the bottom of the keel Sy
  16. Hi Harbm, I fitted and glued #12 to the frame and then I filed it to match the taper of the frame
  17. Hi Fishface, you should go into the new build log section of this website and start a new build log for your model. In that section you will find a post that explains how to properly name your build log. That way you can post questions and pictures of your model for all of us to see and comment on. As far as tools , I suggest you get a good set of files , as you will need them to fit the bulkhead frames properly on on the bulkhead former as my pictures show
  18. I bought the model from Model Expo - does anyone know how I can get the pice replaced. Do I just email them?? Seems like a stupid question
  19. I just did inventory and found that I am missing pieces #17 for the stern. Does anyone know where in the box , I am supposed to find them. How can I replace the pieces ???
  20. I just finished gluing the deck to the frame. Pictures coming . I had a bit of a problem aligning the deck with the stern. When I shaved pieces off the port side of the deck at the opening for the frames of the deckhouse, the extra room allow me to align it perfectly. I ended up putting balsa fillers between the frames in every space but the frames for the deckhouse.
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