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Posts posted by Snowmans

  1. Made some of the knees agan today. A lot better than the first few made. I have left the templates on them for now until they are finished as they are marked with each location so I know where they are supposed to go. Might be easier to start cutting the mortices with the template in place too. They still need sanding on the inside radius which I will do once the paint is dry on my sander. I built a table for the sanding drum that fits on my dremel (read cheap copy) for the really small curved parts, and they paint was sprayed on today to tidy it up. I will put pictures of this up in a few days.




  2. I removed the handle and the piece from the top of the blade. The handle was washed with a degreaser to remove the grime then sanded lightly. Finished with an oil and wax. The top piece wax sanded and a rust converter used to kill the rust then a black etch primer sprayed. Blade I went over with a scraper to reove rust and dirt. Then rust converter to kill rust and followed with sanding with a fine sanding sponge (about 1000 grit) to polish. Lastly a coat of metal polish to keep the rust off. I inherited a box of tools from my grandfather and there is a few that need a bit of work to get them into a usable state.

  3. Thanks guys, Slow building this week, and no web access for a few days. I managed to cut a couple of knees to shape but looking at them today I might make them again, they are a little rough around the edges.

    Have spent some time restoring an old hand saw which came up well once finished, nice and sharp. Was my grandfathers and I have a couple of them with different teeth sizes to tidy up. Photo below shows the finished saw and one that was the same condition to start.




  4. I have and use a lot of power tools as I cut all my own timber for scratchbuilding. Table saw for ripping larger pieces down, then bandsaw for the smaller stuff, and thickness sander to finish.  I have picked up most of the power tools on special or second hand over the last few years, mostly before I started with ships.

    The tools I use most for ship building are the thickness sander and disc sander that I built myself out of parts I had in the shed.

  5. All the treenails are glued in place. One side has been sanded smooth and is ready to finish. The other is ready to cut off the excess and sand. The tooth picks were cut in half as they are double ended. Then sanded to a sharper point on the sander before staining as the point was fairly blunt which would have forced the holes into a larger size. All in all I think they look good, very hard to see at the moment but will see how they are after a coat of oil. I would rather something subtle than an extreme color difference. I am hoping that over the long weekend I will have at least one coat of oil on the lower timbers.



  6. First attempt at making one. Or rather had a friend weld the shaft on for me. It is a lot smaller than the bought version so will me better for getting into tigher corners. This doesn't have a layer between the sandpaper and drum yet as I was checking it was straight and had no wobble. Now planning a few more with wooden drums and a vew other few ideas for improvement.



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