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About sidwel

  • Birthday 07/29/1936

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  • Location
    Derby UK
  • Interests
    steam loco modelling+ static ship modelling

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  1. Thanks for the quick reply B.E. I agree the walnut doesn't seem right, so I will experiment with varnishes, your Pickle looks very good as you have done it, and I look at your build log often to work out how and what to do, your explanation helps a lot, Thank You. Sid
  2. Probably a dumb question,but how should I finish the masts on my HMS Pickle, was there a traditional scheme of finishes for the era, or were masts varnished, tar/pitch, or painted. most model builders seem to varnish their masts and paint the yards, the only 18c ship I have seen is HMS Trincomalee at Harlepool, and her masts are yellow ochre with black yards, I'm hope some one will know the answer to my question. Sid
  3. Hi Mike I am part way through building PICKLE, finishing the plating! I agree the tiny carronades are a trial for my ancient fingers, will have to devise a jig to hold the pieces whilst I struggle, I'm quite in awe of the skills I see on these forums, like your build a lot, and it is a good kit to get started on, well I hope so as it's my first attempt. Sid
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