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  1. Thank you all for your kind words and advice. Keith - I see what you are referring to regarding the bulwarks on Terror. I measured the bulwarks on the model from the deck to the top rail and it scaled to roughly 3.52ft. Based on the inboard profile in Mr. Betts' book, the top of the drum head of Phillip's Patented Capstan is even with the top rail of the bulwarks and appears to scale at roughly 3.92ft. So, modifications must be made to correct this. I believe I will follow your example and raise the height of the bulwarks to make up for this variance. I haven't decided if I want to plane down the top rail to the correct thickness and raise the bulwarks or just raise the bulwarks. Allan - Thank you for the references. I have read both David's planking primer as well as the Simple Hull Planking for Beginners document by Dirk, Greg, and Dave. Chuck's video series on planking is excellent as well. I continued with the deck planking yesterday and spent the better part of 5 hours completing this task with only a few mishaps when it came to make sure each strake was aligned across the breadth of the deck (there may or may not be a few strakes that are thinner than others 🤦‍♂️, however those strakes are probably the correct width).
  2. Hello to all! The construction of the HMS Terror - Northwest Passage edition will be my first ever build log and model. My goal with this model is to somewhat accurately represent the ship as she was for her final expedition. I have been reading a lot of the previous build logs along with the now famous Blog and book by Mr. Betts for tips and ideas on the changes needed to accomplish this goal. I do want to point out that my intention is not to copy what others have done, but to research each aspect of the construction for accuracy as I follow the kit assembly instructions. Unfortunately I had a momentary lapse of reason and began installation of the deck planks prior to reviewing the available information only to realize that Terror had a total of 11 central strakes and not the 6 as depicted on the model. Since the strakes had already dried and I decided to proceed on with the understanding that I would be more diligent moving forward. So with out further ado here is my progress thus far.
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