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  1. hi jd am very jealous of you being in Nashville!! Have you watched the tv series? I love it!! I am in Wales uk!! Wet Wales although your president is coming and the city is on lock down!! http://www.walesonline.co.uk/all-about/nato-summit I agree people on here are lovely and very helpful. I have been amazed by peoples patience!! Have you done a build log?
  2. No "I think" about it cpett. that was most defanately a compliment....your ships are amazing and precise but at this stage Im not going to do that much detail cos I fear I may actually go insane!! (insert winky smiley!). I do really appreciate the help though as I have no clue what Im doing!! This evening is a glass of white riocha and a bit of sanding but with no power tools!!
  3. yes I did. I found the manual (tidied it up! silly me!!) but ended up drawing round the original and then cutting/sanding it. Way easier than I thought!! Made it slightly bigger as best to shave off than add!!
  4. The thingamejig is a 234 piece tool kit! Ship is drying at present and will post piccy over weekend but jpett it will be nowhere near as precise as you would like! Been looking at your build log and flipping heck you have patience in spades!! So for my next question how do I make sure that the edges/top are correctly aligned? The plans look like the top sect (with "planking" either side of each slat) should effectively fit in with the bottom bit = a bit puzzle like if I have done it correct;y? Looking at the top lie there needs to besome adjustment to be straight but the sides I cant tell with...
  5. whoop whoop! I did it!! One new piece made and currently drying in place along with a couple of batons! Thank all! Can also now see why you boys like power toys....loving my new thinkamegig but think it wise to get a table clamp as sawing in my knees with a tray going to end in tears me thinks!! Jpett just seen that you are in Dallas! I spent many a happy (but hot!)time there when I was a nanny to an American family many years ago (my "boys" are now in college!)...still remember the takeout chicken, mash, gravy and corn bread!! yumm!
  6. ummm.....anyone have a use for balsa wood?? Thankfully hobby craft have saved the day! oops...
  7. Thanks both. Will persevere! Need to find manual though...know it's here somewhere!
  8. ahh...thanks for that. So you think its doable as a first kit? Am in the process of ordering some balsa wood and will have a bash at replicating the broken piece...how hard can it be with my new thinga-me-jig! Its got a saw on it so reacon I can have a bash!! Watch this space (not too closely mind...gonna take a while!!)
  9. Hi there I joined about a month ago and, from advice, got the Corel Scotland ship to start with but as an absolute beginner feel that its a tad complex as a first build. What are people's thoughts? If, like me you feel its a step too far for ship #1 can you recc an alternative that will develop my skills and not break the bank? Many thanks in advance
  10. Its not a neat snap so going to order a new one but do appreciate the advice and piccies!! Didnt realise how complicated it is!! Wondering whether I have started with a more complex model than was wise? The guy in the shop said it was easy but suspect he meant easy if youve been building models for years?! What is POB jpett?
  11. Wondering if I should just order a new bit as never going to be that strong having snapped. Whatcha think o experty ones??
  12. ok well that didnt quite go to plan...it snapped! Trying to reglue andif that doesent work will have to try order a new piece grrr...
  13. thanks for this; will have b a bash at it (not literally!!)
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