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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Was Bounty your first model? Harvey is a decent representation of a Baltimore clipper with a lot of nice detailing however the date of the kit 1847 is not accurate since Baltimore clippers stopped being manufactured by around the 1820's.  Most of the Baltimore clippers on the market are all pretty much based on the same plan, if you want a simpler kit I'd recommend Model Shipways Dapper Tom, however Harvey is a larger scale and might be easier with the hands :)

    Yes the bounty was my first model and I was able to get far enough to realize that the deformities on the hull would make it impossible for the model to look good. I will take a look at your kit suggestion.


    Few if any of the baltimore clipper type model kits are very accurate.  Most are way over canvased, carry to many cannon and pretty much ignore the deck layout found on most of them.  H.I. Chapelle's book "The Baltimore Clipper" is an excellent reference on these ships.  If you want a model to start with that is challenging without being impossible for a beginner I would recommend Model Shipway's skipjack model "Willie Bennett".   If you want a ship with cannon try the MSW "Armed Virginia Sloop".  For a simplier but very nice kit look at the offerings from Midwest's apprentice series.

    I think I will get the book so that I can use it for Baltimore clippers I will build. I will also take a look at these kits. Thanks for the suggestions!


    Also, does anybody know any good deals on an electric plank bender?

  2. I have been a member of msw for a little while and I tried to do a solid hull kit by mamoli on the H.M.S Bounty. I never finished it because I didn't have any of the proper modeling tools and because the parts were not cut correctly. I have since then learned a little more about ship modeling and am trying to get some new tools. I am also wondering what your thoughts are on the Artesania Latina 1847 Harvey? I know it has been discontinued but it was recommended in A book I got called Ship Modeling Simplified by Frank Mastini.

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