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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Where is the best place to get one of those 45* drafting triangles? Yes, I screenshot every helpful post I see :D! Maybe I should get a binder and print out all the helpful tips, then I could organize them by category! This idea might be worth saving :D;). Your workshop is great, better than my father's (which people throw stuff into all the time). Great job on those masts! Now I just need to find a binder and a whole lot of printer ink…

  2. It looks like you are off to a great start :)! To answer your question on putting images in order with text, you must do the following process. You will write what you want to say and attach an image below. you can attach an image by clicking on the "Choose File" button, then choose the picture.


    You can then click the attach file button and wait until the picture shows up above the "Attach Files" text. post-14614-0-37013600-1454277664_thumb.png

    You then can click on the "Add To Post" button. post-14614-0-17409200-1454277790.jpeg

    Good luck :)!

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