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Everything posted by Neill

  1. Thanks guys, appreciated.
  2. Ed Just to say thanks for reposting this log, it is truly inspirational - I'm ordering your book very soon
  3. Back on the pre-crash MSW I had posted a question asking for advice on the best accessories to get with the table saw, and just as funding looks like it might be available disaster struck Therefore can I please ask for members thoughts on which accessories are worth having, and which will only form a dust trap in the workshop.
  4. Ordering three books helps reduce the cost. Whilst a Europe based distributor would be great if it saved money, the service from Seawatch and the quality of their books is well worth the price - I remember paying a small fortune in the 1970's for a volume of Boudroit's book on the 74 gun ship at the bookshop in Greenwich (sadly gone the way of Maritime Models which was opposite), that was then only available in french and I was buying it for the drawings. Taking inflation into account, Seawatch books are great value even with the shipping cost.
  5. Whilst silver soldering produces a stronger joint, you need to consider what, if any, load the joint will be put under. Soft soldering produces strong and neat joint easily, witness the etched brass locomotive models I and others make. Unless the item will be subject to heating in operation (clearly not the case here) soft solder will be fine and more easily applied to produce a neat joint. The secret with either is to ensure the item to be soldered is spotlessly clean, and use ample flux.
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