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george kidd

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  1. hi chris. it is a bit of a daft question. but can you please tell me what the coiled rope is for, that is comeing out of the hull in your photos of the victory. that your doing regardes george
  2. hi bob i think you will find the three jaw chuck much the better one, its self centering and the four jaw one is independent if you dont get it right it will wobble all over the place. to help not to mark the wood i role it in two or three turns of heavy paper and fit that in the jaws of the chuck and it will not mark the wood hope this helps regards george
  3. hi i have the proxxon lathe and their is a 12mm hole that goes through the head stock so that you can turn longer lenths when you use the three jaw chuck the lathe is very good bit of kit regard george.
  4. thanks for your replies. brian c yes i have tried that. even wetted the line first as well. druxey the line that came with the kit for the blocks and running rigging is usless any small preasure and it breaks so i bought some more from cornwall model boats. the ropewalk is for the future stockholm tar i have tried holding the blocks when reeving the line but when i let go it twists but i will try reeving it in a clockwise direction and see what happens thanks george.
  5. hi SKID thanks for the reply. the ship is A/L cutty sark.. i use bees wax on the lines so that is not the prob.
  6. hi all this is my first model and i need some advice. i am up to the rigging and when i try to tension the the lines from the blocks they twist around themselves so they are ravelled how do you stop this happening ? hope someone can help many thanks george kidd
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