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  1. ccoyle's post in Need belaying plan for Model Shipways Syren was marked as the answer   
    Hi, Terry.
    I'm sorry that it took this pet-astrophe to bring you out of the woodwork -- your Syren looks very nice, and I hope we will see more of it. In the meantime, your request for assistance will garner much more attention if it is given a suitable title, which I have gone ahead and done for you. Have you also tried contacting Model Expo for a replacement plan sheet?
  2. ccoyle's post in Build Log Name Change was marked as the answer   
    It was I who edited your build log title. I did this as part of an overhaul of all the build log titles on our site, to conform them to our site guidelines. The job took nearly two months to complete, as we have thousands of build logs here, so perhaps you can see why I didn't ask everyone whose logs were tidied up for permission to do so in advance. As for your log in particular, I added the information about Madawaska because the 1869 launch date for Tennessee isn't the original launch date for the ship itself -- personally, I think that little bit of extra info is interesting, but if you wish you may strike the last bit from the log title, or I can do it for you.
    Kind regards,
  3. ccoyle's post in Does Signature Content Update on Older Posts? was marked as the answer   
    Your signature updates on all your posts.
  4. ccoyle's post in I entered my Build in the wrong Forum section. How do I correct that? was marked as the answer   
    Your friendly neighborhood moderator can do the job for you. 😉
  5. ccoyle's post in Where to ask about wooden AND plastic kits was marked as the answer   
    Start with one area or the other, but put both media in the title. You'll probably get answers for both.
  6. ccoyle's post in How to edit build log properly was marked as the answer   
    Short answer: You don't. Only an administrator can make changes like that, and I don't think they can do it for individual topics, i.e., it's a site-wide setting.
    Page length is determined by the number of posts in a topic -- I believe each page is currently set for 25 posts. The only way to shorten your content is to post fewer pictures. That's probably a good thing to do in any case, since scrolling past endless photos can be a turn-off for some users, not to mention all those photos can take a long time to load on older systems or slower internet connections. Best thing to do is to select a few photos that best show your progress on your build. If you still want to post lots of photos, you can try posting them in installments -- more posts with fewer photos per post.
  7. ccoyle's post in Using text and/or images from books in posts was marked as the answer   
    MSW follows the copyright/fair use laws of the United States. Fair use allows short snippets of copyrighted works to be used for discussion or critique; a rule-of-thumb (not a legal standard) is about 5% of a work. The exact percentage allowable is made on a case-by-case basis only when an infringement is challenged in court. Most excerpts posted at MSW fall well within the amount allowable under fair use. Works whose copyright has expired and which are now considered to be in the public domain carry no such restrictions. In the US, copyright protections are automatic for the life of the author plus 70 years.
  8. ccoyle's post in Where to post asking for help identifying? was marked as the answer   
    You may post it in the new member introduction area. Say a bit about yourself and how you came to be in possession of the model, along with some pictures (the more the better for identification purposes).
  9. ccoyle's post in What’s the best way to make parts from thread in card kits? was marked as the answer   
    I believe those parts are more correctly made from wire. I'm afraid such knowledge is above my pay grade. To get the sort of neatness shown in that template, you're probably looking at some kind of soldering.
  10. ccoyle's post in Where would an Amati First Step Pirate Ship build log go? was marked as the answer   
    The Golden Age of Piracy was before 1750. Definitely put your build log in the 1501-1750 area.
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