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Posts posted by dcbriski

  1. Here we go, port side diagonal knees are done. I decided since the only way to see the knees fore and aft would be to look through the gun ports, I ran the diagonal knees a bit longer then the main gratings of the deck then jointed the diagonal knees to a vertical riser. I was not originally going to do the vertical risers, but given my OCD i had to clean it up because at the end of the day I would know it wasn't done cleanly. Ill get to the starboard side by the end of this week. Enjoy!





  2. Here are pictures showing the tentative design of the diagonal knees. I have seen them staggered with the end of one above the other, but it doesn't make structural sense to me for them not to be joined. Currently the conny also has a vertical knee that the two diagonals are joined to, however the original plans do not show any vertical knees so my hunch is they were added s/p to reinforce the hull. SO what are your guys thoughts? I think this is what I am going to do but input is always nice. 



  3. Gun deck is roughed in. I have to decide if I want to add the diagonal knees. If I can see them when the spar deck is planked I will otherwise I wont. The gun will sit just a bit lower than actually shown. I set the level of the floor using the pieces shown. The base of the gun port is set roughly 2.5 ft from the floor or so. Enjoy.






  4. Port side gun ports have been placed and rough sanded. I also sanded the inner side of the ports. There is a picture showing the block sander made to accomplish the task. Wasnt too tough but naturally would have been easier if the ship was designed to have a true gun deck.


    Also, any thoughts on painting the main gun deck. Naturally the captains quarters would be painted, and as of today the connies gun deck is painted, but i would think that in her fighting days they very likely natural would, both to save money and the advantage of raw wood shrapnel versus painted. so, anyone done some research into the topic?







  5. Hey Everybody,


    I have gotten a little bit of work done on my connie, and here is how it stands. I have placed the main waterway around the spar deck. I then used the profile of the waterway to set my gun ports. I used a 5/32 box piece to set the upper and the lower was set with a 14/32 90`. As you can see it ended up working out pretty well. The next step will be to set the floor of the gun deck from the lower lid of the gun port. I have attached a mock picture to let you guys see where the cannon will sit. Once the floor is set, I will likely build the walls to paint them white. I will also need to make the ports flush with the hull line.


    I have looked at my connie book and the diagrams, can anyone tell me their spacing for the main gun ports? I do not trust directions completely, and will be able to set them properly, but was just trying to save time. Also, the vertical aspect of the gun ports should remain vertical with respect to the ships baseline I think it was called, or are they supposed to be perfectly squared? I believe the former is true just wanted to make sure. 


    Anyways here are the pictures and as always advice is welcome.






  6. Connie 2.0 is underway. I have gotten close to the point I was at prior. I changed the cabin configuration a bit, now that I have plenty of extra wood to use! Id like to take a poll on peoples opinions of the windows. They are only slightly taller than square and I have dry fitted them in at this point. My question is should I leave as is, make them perfectly squared, or add a second or third pane in the windows. The hull model is squared as shown for info.







  7. hey richard,


    i actually thought about that as i do have a scroll saw. BUT since I have a nice new kit sitting for me to take, i decided to save myself some time. I am going to use the wood from the destroyed connie to build my gun deck, as It will save me having to go buy supplies later since i have decided to put in the knees as well as everything else.As far as the other stock is concerned who knows. Either way i have been sitting around fuming over the loss and growing extremely anxious to start over

  8. For the the few of you who have been following this topic I thank you. Today however, I will be abandoning my current build. I left the door to my model room open with the bow of my ship hanging off the edge. My pup, a 90 lbs german shepard, found her way in (as it doubles for food/treat storage area) and must have poked her nose at the model. In short, she likely poked her nose at it and caused it to fall, roll off and annihilate itself on the tiled floor. My dad has another constitution kit that he bought to try his hand at ship modelling and has decided to give it to me when I get home next. THEREFORE, I will eventually build the connie in the fashion I had started upon. I do not however have the heart to start rebuilding a connie now for obvious reasons. If anyone wishes to follow my diana build please do, its simply titled HMS diana 38 gun frigate. Thanks for all the advice from everyone.





  9. so I am home after three months of travel b/c of work. I had some warping of my keel while I was away thanks for new orleans weather or my lackluster storage of it. Either way I constructed a stand that has both fixed the minor warpage and will work well for construction.


    Also, does anyone have any insight on the best way to get my main gun ports at the right height. I want to be extremely accurate with the placement and can figure it out, but tips are always welcome.


  10. The figurehead was originally a figure of hercules and there was a neptune figurehead in there too prior to them both getting knocked off. I am not going to have a figurehead, instead im going to have the scroll work that is present on the hull model. The plan is to model it off the 1812 hull model mainly, but also off Ken Thomsens build that is at this link.....




    As far as the painting is concerned it is going to be tough to decide. The revell scheme is much like the hull scheme which is naturally different from the MS scheme. The scroll work on the bow is similar between Hull and Revell and I plan to model it off those. In the end I am unsure what to do, The gold inlay Ken used is very tempting. In short, I have no idea what I want to do. Also do you think that is a dar blue as opposed to black in the link above for the main color.


    Also, any suggestions you have for additional features feel free to mention, I am looking to add whatever detail pops to mind

  11. here is the cpts cabin. One thing to note is that I forgot about the overspray on the back of the bulkhead. So when I stained it I was extremely upset at the way it looked. BUT i noticed it lightened up the cabin wall nicely when looking through the windows. I have not decided if i want to fix it, but here are the pictures. I also etched doors in on the side panels.




  12. Before the site was rebuilt I had posted the starting of my current project. I am attempting to build the model shipways constitution largely after the Isaac Hull Model. The plan is to have the gun deck gratings open for a view of the main gun deck. I will also be building complete stern quarters.  I decided to get back at it over the last day or two and I have posted the photos of my progress on the stern. As you can see I am going to have to do some touch up with the height of the uprights because i tried to bevel the deck of the counter by eyesight, in short im an idiot, but thats and easy fix. I will put some more photos of the whole ship up soon.



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