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  1. Andy...Maybe you can reply if you are still replying to this post, and possibly help me identify a broken piece found in my Revell Kit 391-3800 USS Constitution .Same as your kit, but a 1975 version. Same part numbers also. I have spoken with Revell, but they are in a loss for what it is. It looks like a larger top mast cap maybe? Your extensive experience with this kit might bear fruit and hopefully you can shed some light on this mystery part. Once again beautiful work on Revell 0398. See attacched photo. Thanks in advance. Regards, Surprise
  2. Andy..I am also engaged in this kit, and I must thank you for this meticulos log, as well as the invaluable guide to this build, but especially the beautiful work you have done on this build. Bravo. Best, Surprise
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