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  1. Hello to all Not that "i need" to buy another kit and stash away for the post nuclear era but .... Anyone has any reviews or opinions or both on the HMS Prince by Mamoli. She looks very nice, but the scale seems a bit small, so I was wondering if anyone had any inputs. Thanks
  2. Excellent and inspiring work. I have just received an Astrolabe kit myself, but I am missing the instruction booklet. Is there a way to get a copy of it ? I would gladly pay any expenses. Or , if one could point to any online download links that would also be appreciated. Thank you and Thank you for the build guide !!
  3. First, Very nice job. My kit is still in the box, along with 10 more kits. All I do is buy them and store these days Anyway, What is the thickness of the Cherry venier you used ?
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