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About cheetahhouse

  • Birthday 05/08/1967

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    Anmore, BC

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  1. Your deck looks great without any bumps and dips like mine. The deck camber is challenging on Le Hussard. With planks already glued , it is 20mm thick. You can see the unevenness of my deck line...its those middle bulkhead frames that are causing the most grief in lining it up. I am almost thinking to do away with the camber look and just start shimming the middle frames to be level with the others...unless it is supposed to be like this? The elastics work , but need a bit more tension to pull down the deck which has been soaking in water for last two hours. Deck is not glued at this point ...
  2. Today I chose to go ahead with gluing the deck on to the frames before the process of planking the hall. As the instructions do not give me any clue as to when the actual deck should be glued, my thinking is the lines will be truer with the deck in place. My question involves the most effective clamping method given the deck's camber especially amidships? I see some use elastic bands or tying towels around the deck. I find The c clamps just do not grip properly given the curvature of the bulkhead frames. At this time the deck is in a bucket of water prepping for the bend procedure.
  3. Thank you Harvey, I made a bunch of copies of the plans this week...will try what your suggesting on marrying the two plan elevations...All along I was hesitant about using the chisel especially now that I am feeling more comfy cutting the wood with sand paper and filing. You are right about the 80 grit paper as that is what I used on the bow and stern...mind you with some good ol elbow grease Gettin back at it this weekend...looking forward to it...will keep you posted.
  4. Thanks Brian, That's an excellent point as you are right the perspective is from upside down....hmmmmmm this is why I can see it is best to do this model to plan comparison step at the very beginning stages... One thing is for sure, the cut line on stern to main decking is a little crooked and needs to be shimmed a bit. Does it look as though I have the model placed or lined up properly on the plan? I plan to focus on the stern area tomorrow and will post more pics.
  5. Tonight was mostly made up of preparation for the task at hand on faring the frames. I need more tools (small vice and electric plank bender, large photo copies of the plans) before getting started on this process, I thought to pull out the plans. Low and behold the plans to the model are a perfect one to one ratio. With this new discovery, I placed the model on the plans as you can see from the pictures below...NOTE to self...next time do this before glueing anything together. Tomorrow I will cut out the stern decking from the copies and then use it as a guide to shape the perfect curvatures...more sanding and some shimming on the cut line of the decking is necessary. It is apparent that I need to not only bevel, cut, and trim but also shim the stern, bow and bulkhead frames. Additionally after looking at the picture, am I correct in assuming the curvature on the model needs to emulate the curvature on the plans? For example if we look near the areas of numbers 73 and 148 on shot of the bow we can see the curvature and lines. Presumably in order for me to finish a nice flush fit of the plank on frame this angle needs to be carried through the entire length of the frame.
  6. You are right about that the instructions even after translating with Google ...still remiss in many of the steps. Thank you for the black marker tip as it is the first time I have heard about this. The part about beveling the bow and the stern is going to be interesting as this will be a first in working with a chisel on such a crucial part of the ship. Anyway one thing I have learned from all of the reading and helpful feedback is to take my time on every step. This I will surely follow. Thank you for the helpful suggestions... I also found an excellent article on the faring process depicting excellent diagrams and illustrations...I will circle back with the link shortly. Faring/Planking Beginner Instructions: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf
  7. It does help me a lot as i never thought about using google translate or following other AL builds...great idea! Thank you for your feedback and suggestions! Plus it is encouraging to hear I am not the only one that doesn't get what the author or translation is instructing. Cheers!
  8. Pleased with today's start as I finished tapering the stern and reinforcements. Working with wood for the first time is turning out be gratifying especially when shaping into form through shimming of all things... Working through the instructions I have hit another road block...this one I have been playing over and over and just can't come to a comfortable level on what exactly the author is trying to say? Hopefully somebody can shed some light for me on the following excerpt of the instruction manual. "With a half round file sharpen with extreme care, at port and at starboard , false keel no 1, reinforcements number 11, 12 and 13, as well as frames number 2 and 5. Follow the same procedure for reinforcements number 21 to 27 and stern frames number 6 to 10. Bevel carefully the edges of the frames. You will realize that the more curvature the hull takes the more would you rough-plane. With the planking strake number 28 check the correct alignment lengthwise and breadth wise the hull. This way you will know up to where you have to bevel for the correct placement of strakes number 28. At once take the opportunity to file the excess of the decks." Sharpen and bevel by how much, shape etc.
  9. Thanks for the words of encouragement! Model ship world website truly is a prerequisite source for the novice builder. Bravo!
  10. Last night I glued the stern deck to the hull followed by the reinforcements. Note to self: mistake as you can see from the pics below. It would have been much better for me to exercise more patience by letting the stern deck sit overnight...another lesson learned. I am going to just wing it this time and hopefully cover the prominent gap between the decking and top of bulkhead frame with some shimming or filling. Lots of stories to share when Le Hussard is complete and standing proud in her display case....one day...not soon! Tonight involved more glueing of reinforcements followed by shimming due to a terrible job of measuring and cutting by AL. The reinforcements were each about 0.50 centimetres too short. She is tightly clamped in the back and will sit for the night. Tomorrow I expect to cut and trim the reinforcements to be nice n flush with the bulkhead frame.
  11. Thank you - As I am at the all important pre-planking stage of Le Hussard, this practicum is a much welcome addition! Hip Hip Hooray on the movie too!
  12. Working on shaping port side of bow support frames...I still feel uneasy on whether or not I am doing this right? Trying to file/sand the perfect half circle based on my eye alone has me concerned? I'm also noticing that the instructions are hard to follow. It is mentioning to sharpen with extreme care and use a half round file on the port and starboard side of the false keel and balance of reinforcements. Without any pictures to follow I am baffled? Is there a pictorial or better yet a video on how to best go about this next task? It is beginning to feel as though I am swimming upstream and alone as there are no practicums or working examples online of Le Hussard. I am at the beginning of this project and fully realize the shaping of the hall is paramount to being able to finish the planking. Given the pieces in the kit are not cut to plan...it is calling for much customization. If this is par the course in wood modelling...it is all good...but wish instructions would be more specific.
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