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Everything posted by robert22564

  1. Hi, time seems to fly by so quickly, one good thing about a workshop is you can walk away and when you return it's exactly how you left it. Going through a few medical issues at the mo, nothing to worry about but hoping to resume where I left off ASAP.
  2. Thanks for all your nice comments, I'm back in the workshop now after a long absence.
  3. Hi Kier, nope.......no gloves....................confession to follow on that nice copper hull I did.
  4. Haha, It's a great hobby Here's Gils link http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/485-hms-victory-by-gil-middleton-finished-caldercraft-172/
  5. Well this turned out to be an absolute mess, they just don't fit, even when filing down the windows they seem to protrude and they should have depth. I'll have to start this all over again with a different approach, looks like the only way i'm going to get some sort of depth is cutting out the window openings carefully just so they fit with some depth, risky I know
  6. Well spotted David It's not broken, the cannons are loose on their spindles, so all's good
  7. A little more progress on the stern, brass strips are proving to be a right pain
  8. I think Old Collingwood has a beast of a Camera my present is a little snappy one, exactly what I asked Santa to bring me
  9. Thank you for such nice comments Paul. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who takes interest in my build log, your oversight is much appreciated. To all members of MSW, I would like to wish you & your families a very merry Xmas & a prosperous new year
  10. Little by little, step by step we make progress and I must admit I'm pretty pleased the way that section has turned out, yes i'll keep touching up here and there aiming for perfection. I'll have to stop here as I haven't any decking prepared ready so I'll be making some more.
  11. Freehand painting is my weakest point, really took my time with the figure head and a lot more freehand work to be done around this area, Eeeek
  12. Ok, cleaned up the belfry roof The Barricade Assembly in place. I got a bit carried away and, well........ended up in a world of my own and achieved this thus far, I've started so I'll have to finish, right ?
  13. Haha, yeah, you'll be seeing that word many times in my log......I'll give you my defenition, "broken but now repaired = fixed"
  14. Now satisfactorily fixed down, this time it's staying fixed you can just see the generous amount of 2 part epoxy
  15. Quarterdeck Barricade Assembly made up and undercoated ready for painting
  16. Hi Nigel, it's really pleasing to know others pic up a tip or two from my build log as i'm also a beginner. As to your question, yes I did settle on the 160gm black card for the caulking. Thanks for the comments, I'm pleased with the way it came out but if i'm honest and could start again i'll probably reduce it to 120gm, that'll bring it better into scale in my opinion, also note I have been told i'm my own worst critic. Regards Robert.
  17. Hi David, yes you've answered Morts question I suppose it's a blessing that this has happened now and just reminds me that anything that's having rope attached to it should be securely fixed in place. I can just about sort this with the openings I have so i'll use a two part epoxy to make sure this stays fixed
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