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Everything posted by robert22564

  1. Good luck with it Rich. you can sort it and be back on track in no time
  2. My first line working to the stern I kept my tiles butted up tight on the vertical. My second line I kept my tiles butted up tight on the horizontal. Third line back to butting up on the vertical, the line should then follow the curvature of the hull as shown. And then as Shipyard Sid always advises I filled in the gaps.
  3. I've planked the inner Bulwarks just to get a little break from the copper plating as you can see. I've also cleaned up and re-painted the waterline on the port side and now it's back to copper plating the hull. I'll try to be a little more informative this time around instead of just showing pictures. I'm not saying this is how it should be done, I'm just showing the way I did it "remember I'm a novice and this is my first ship build". Starting from the keel I've done 21 tiles on the Horizontal and formed a pyramid formation 18 tiles high.
  4. Thanks Tim, I think We'll bounce off each other quite well with our builds
  5. I'm relativity new at this game as you all know, reading this thread has me very concerned, I've just recently purchased Caldercrafts/Jotika's Victory and i didn't do an inventory check neither, I hope and pray I don't have the issues of missing parts like some of you on here. I was strongly leaning towards putting Agamemnon on the shelf as a next build but this thread has clearly put me off of that.
  6. She's certainly coming together now, just take a step back and look at that........beautiful, absolutely beautiful, well done Glenn
  7. Hi Tim, I'm also building HMS Victory as a first build.........I think I'm slightly in front of you and if that is the case then keep an eye on my log because if a mistake is going to be made you bet your bottom dollar I'll make it. Good luck with your build. Robert.
  8. Thanks Sjors, the copper plating on this kit did have me thinking for several weeks before purchasing it but with one side done i'm confident in completing the other side to a certain standard now.
  9. Glenn, David & Philip, thank you for your kind comments. I think I'll do the inner gunport walls and have a break from copper tilling for a while, I'm seeing double at the moment.
  10. Starboard side complete and I must admit I'm pretty pleased with the way that side turned out
  11. Hello John, thanks for visiting my log and "of Course" your kind words
  12. Hello Jerry, I must admit, reading a compliment like that does give one a boost, I thank you for that Have a wonderful day Jerry. Robert.
  13. Very impressed with your Deck planking Philip. lovely crisp and clean....it would make my day if I could end up with results like that Keep up the impressive work. Robert.
  14. Hello Phil. I'm using the plates that was supplied with the kit but i'm quite sure the ones from cmb are exactly the same, well I hope so because I'll be needing a few more.
  15. I'm going to hold fire here......as you can see I've stopped short of the waterline. I want to take a second look at that waterline, it looks like it needs a good sanding down and painting properly.
  16. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement guys and for the PM's "you know who you are" It's looking like I've sorted the problem, I was using scissors to cut the plates which made them curl and to be quite frank, the measuring was pretty sloppy on my part. I've re-Done some of the infill plates with a small steel rule and sharp scalpel, the results are much much better, cleaner looking lines I'll post a pic later this evening. Now I'm happy to proceed.
  17. Day 2: Well it's not great but will have to do, I'll definitely be copper leafing the entire hull when all the plating's done.
  18. MULTI-ANGLE GUILLOTINE Glenn http://www.alwayshobbies.com/tools/hand-tools/knives-$4-cutters/guillotines/multi$9angle-guillotine
  19. Day 1: Apart from trying to punch my pedestal hole in the wrong place "Should have marked them out first" so far so good, all looking ship shape. I'll replace that one at the end if I have tiles left.
  20. So the copper plating begins, I've decided to use a medium super glue gel for this task as it gives me some control on the quantity needed, I'm not really that confident on how this is going to go, so the plan is to take my time, do the best I can and pray I know quite a few of you have decided to start on the waterline but I've elected to stick with what the instructions say and start at the keel. If it does start to go tits up and get a bit scrappy i'll copper leaf the entire hull when finished, this should hide any imperfections and give a uniform look when complete. We'll see how it goes, I'll update regularly on here my progress, fingers crossed
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