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  1. Hi everyone, and happy new year. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question! I've decided to pursue the Echo cross section as my next project. I appreciate all of your input! -Matthew
  2. Hi Forum, I need advice from folks who have completed admiralty-style model builds, including maybe the Triton or any of the Swan-class ships based on Admiralty Model's plans and the SeaWatch book series. I'm about to complete my Model Shipways AVS, and I'd like input on what to build next. My ultimate goal is to be capable of taking fully framed plans and produce admiralty models, and/or fully rigged models. I have the 4 book set of Swan class books from SeaWatch, as well as the budget, time and patience required to undertake such a model, though perhaps not the depth of experience required. I've been eyeing the Echo cross section as a possible next build, but if I'm going to attempt the Echo cross section, should I just spring for the full Swan build instead? I also really like BlueJacket's 1/4" scale America Yatch, because it appears to be the same full-on plank on frame concept, but with less complexity than the Swan class. Any input from the members here concerning kits, builds and build logs would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance. Although I don't post much, I thoroughly enjoy reading through the build models and advice threads found on this website. This is a really great community! Happy Holidays! Matthew
  3. Hi Ulises! That is fine craftsmanship, thank you for taking the time to reply to my question! I found your planking guide very helpful.
  4. Thank you all for the replies! Gunther, I've actually got your build log bookmarked and I refer to it daily in my build. Your build and ALiuke's (I think I am mispelling his user name) are the reason I chose the AVS as my second build. Thank you so much for your feedback, I spent an hour last night going through the photos of your deck and trying to figure out how you did things. Jaager, are you saying that you use the tree nails exclusively to hold deck planks down? Wow! SpyGlass, I do understand your point; I also think tree nails are a visually attractive feature on a model. I decided to intentionally use shorted deck planks (~3 inch segments) on this model so that I could show more butt end planking and have a chance to practice tree nailing. My wife purchased the 4 book series on building a Swan class sloop of war from SeaWatch as a birthday present, and I am itching to try that next (or maybe the Echo cross section) Either way I'll need to practice tree nailing at some point. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my questions!
  5. Hi everyone, I've just finished planking the deck of my AVS in holly and I'd like to add tree nails next. I've researched the MSW forums for a deck planking / tree nailing primer and can't seem to find one beyond Ulises Victoria's excellent Simple Butt-Shift Deck Planking Guide. What I'd like to know is, should I treat the finished deck with polyurethane (I've been using Danish Oil on the hull?) and then drill and fill the tree nails? Or do I drill and fill the tree nails, then scrape/sand everything flat and smooth before applying oil? I haven't decided whether the tree nails will be drawplate-made wood, or wood glue / filler yet. I don't know if that makes a difference. I am curious if there is an accepted 'right way' to install tree nails on a deck. Any input, links, advice and pictures are welcome! Thank you in advance! Matthew
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