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Dan G.

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Interests
    model construction (plastic, wood, etc.)- ships, WWII armor, RC boats
    Fishing, making own fishing rods and knives

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  1. I just read a most fascinating book about the earliest attempts to circumnavigate the globe. The book is titled “Round About The Earth- Circumnavigation from Magellan to Orbit” by Joyce E. Chaplin. I had no idea of the mortality rate on men and ships when long voyages were attempted. The attached table will give you an idea how dangerous it was. Whether you were forced into service or volunteered for such a voyage, an attempt to sail around the globe was virtually a death sentence until the late 1700’s. Circumnavigation Table PDF.pdf
  2. I'm about ready to begin construction and need some advice from anyone who has constructed this model. Because the hull planking is laser cut and the edges will be exposed after the hull is completed, I was wondering if builders have sanded off the "burnt" edge prior to plank placement to give a more uniform color. I see many completed models have been dark stained and was wondering if this was their solution to the "burnt" edge appearance. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Dan
  3. Jerry, I've had this kit in my closet for about 5 years but was a little reluctant to start. Thanks for taking the time to photograph and describe your build- it's time to get it out and begin. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Dan
  4. as others have mentioned, exotic wood dust can be a real issue. I make a lot of knife handles and have experienced blisters in my nose from sanding cocobolo, rosewood, bubinga, paduak, ,etc. Even when wearing a dust mask, just enough dust/oil gets by the seal around the face to cause the problem. Everyone has a different level of "allergic" reaction and I've found I'm pretty sensitive. I've had to put the shop vac's nozzle right up to the piece being sanded to prevent problems. However, I'm not allergic to my wife's cats...darn!
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