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Everything posted by Gentlegiant

  1. The masts and the ridge pipe are just there for a check they are not install
  2. I have a little problem the wall on the second deck are to high .This is not the wall the problem this is the deck that it missed in the kit (Post 15) The deck that i make by myself is a more thick than the original.
  3. Hi Boyd Thank you for helping me; it was very kind of you! I work now on the walls off the second deck your log is very complete.
  4. As i see in your post 88 you do not use this system of wall (see picture).
  5. Thanks Don for the compliment I follow your log and take some idea for build mine.
  6. I will install some steel rod 18 gauges at each beam ,i will make little drill hole and insert the rod with Glue.
  7. I can install the second deck but i like the non in the kit cabins of Boyd???
  8. Thank You Boyd for the notches in beam 49 .I never see that in instruction. I thing this forum is a good help for me.
  9. I rebuilt my deck with plywood from Michaels . Watt is the best glue for planking the cabins wall and do you put some nails like the photos in manuel?
  10. Ulises There are many plywood from (Bouleau). But they are Nothing in 1.5mm .
  11. O.K. thank You There are no plywood in my town But double planking is an exellent idea , I will double plank.
  12. This is my new first deck made with balsa. This is not perfect but i thing it is o.k..
  13. Yes i will make a cardboard with the paper and if the cardboard fit i will cut the balsa. The two rear first deck ,the two front first deck and the second deck un two parts, right and the small part left. i thing the carboard will be hard to do.
  14. Thomas i e-mail to the vendor and to the Artesania Latina in Spain, this is just since fourth days but now news. I have an e-mail from a retailer in Scotland he give to me the address of the constructor in Spain. I take the High Tech Cut in the kit and i calculate with 371% + on a copier i have the right dimention on paper .And i buy two Basswood of 4x24 inches (100mmx600mm)and i want to copi the paper on the wood and cut for make the two deck. I don't know if i use x-acto or with a scrool saw i buy a third piece of wood for make test. I give you some result.
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