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  1. Hi David I cant read or speak Chinese,( I have trouble with read , speaking or spelling english and Iam a Londoner born & bread ) but looked it up on amozon uk ,and it looks as if it covers the same sort of thing Good Luck Reg
  2. Hi David Try getting hold of the book FISHING SCOONER 'ELSIE' by Erik A. R. Ronnberg Jnr Nautical Research Journal ISBN 0738 7245 The Nautical Research Guild Inc 6413 Dahlonega Road Bethesda Maryland 20816 In the Good old US of A I picked up a copy in England so you should beable to get a copy you side of the pond This covers everything plans and details for building a first class model ,it will give you all the enfo you need to rerig your model Please keep us updated on your progress Good Luck with the rebuild and Enjoy it Regards Reg
  3. Hi Guys Just as aside ,Guy Fawkes was going to use 36 barrels of gun powder to blow up the house of parliament with the King, the Prince of Wales,most of the Lords, and members of parliament in there ! That would have been one big bang, and changed the history of the world ! Reg
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