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Everything posted by pagie

  1. have been out of the loop on NRG but have been busy as i have finished le Hussard and made a substantial dent in a new project 

    HMS ENDEAVOUR. When i can  I will update with photos.

    1. pagie


      had computer melt down

  2. have been unable to locate progressive build photos so have up loaded the most recent which show my progress finishing off the attachment of the ratlines which i have to workout the neatest way to finish off. open to suggestions . also hand tied the ratlines. know it all takes time
  3. found a couple more photo's next post will be current stage a big jump
  4. dug out a couple more photo's, build quality not the most perfect but did this work on the fly. started the planking, glued and pin fixed the 1st layer, tried my best to follow the instuctions. have misplaced some of the photo's that followed the completion of the 1st layer & 2nd layer which was only glued
  5. have just managed to add 1st photo, attaching the main deck using what is at hand
  6. This is splicer's 1st serious build. The kit was purchased at an opp shop for the grand price of $5.00, the kit was started but was obviously abandoned, luckey for me. the only work done was the frames to the false keel with the bow & stern reinforcements. Also the planking of the main &lower decks. the kit was aquired last fFeburary. Will try to work out the limited photo's to get them in the size for posting, back soon splicer.
  7. just stumbled on your build log as im new to the site.am working on LE HUSSARD 1848 and hope to start my own build log soon. wish id seen the detailed pictures earlier as would of helped me greatly I am up to rigging my ship but I like what I see of your build.splicer
  8. need to get build log started

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