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  1. Yes Chris, I had read that advice earlier but thought it would just take longer to do. The smart novice will start on a smaller boat, Level 2, and treat it as an initial exercise towards concept learning, as you say. Already The Mary Byrne (see separate topic) is progressing very nicely.. albeit slowly, with lots of referring to the DVD and manual. The Bounty looks on with renewed hope.
  2. Exactly Chris.. The advice was to go that way but I chose to go in over my ankles. Cost me $30 for additional planking to start over on the Bounty, I consider that a reasonable learning cost. I'm amazed at what you actually get in the Mary Byrne kit. I'll photograph the contents today and start a separate build topic. After the Bounty I had my sights set on the AMERGIO VESPUCCI http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/ship-models/mantua/amergio-vespucci-italian-sail-training-ship-standard/ but I'll wait until the Bounty is completed. I may instead go for the HMS Sirius from MS, given the wealth of top quality support mediums. http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/ship-models/modellers-shipyard/hms-sirius-flag-ship-of-the-first-fleet-1787/ But that's a long way off, of course. Have to set aims, though.
  3. Ah, I've had to make the decision to shelve the Bounty until I get some experience on something simpler. The instructions with the Mantua kit as very had to get one's mind around, particular a rank novice like me. I did complete the first planking but was far from pleased with it. I had to come up with something to get myself out of the grave uncertainties of trying to apply otherwise excellent resources to this particular model. The Mantua Bounty instructions suffers from poorly presented diagrams and written instructions that are served up like shipboard biscuits, adequate up to a point, hardly appetising and certainly not inspiring. But, I'm only venturing where many others have succeeded so I'm only admitting it had me fairly tossed. Therefore, I decided to invest in an easier model from an Australian manufacturer, Modellers Shipyard in Sydney Australia. The friend who owns the Endeavour which set me going into all this made a visit to the Blue Mountains based company and was very impressed with the high quality of the everything in their own kits, including model specific DVD tutorials along with a massive A3 46 page manual with huge photos and a very well presented, step by step walkthrough. I just received the Early Sydney area ketch the Mary Byrne and it was immediately obvious that this is where I should have started. http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/ship-models/modellers-shipyard/colonial-ketch-mary-byrne-1826/ So, The Bounty's first planking took 2 weeks to lay down and about 2 minutes to remove and hopefully along with it went my doubts. I'll take all the time in the world to do the Mary B justice and then, when it is complete, I'll get back to the Bounty and do it full justice, Says I. Already I can see many aspects that I previously overlooked or couldn't work into place. I'll leave this topic and begin a fresh one for the Mary Byrne within days. Hopefully it will be more interesting than this has turned out to be.
  4. Been a month since I last posted but I figured I should clear the home maintenance work list before getting stuck into this build. So I have. I figured out the stern blocking and today commenced the under planking. I decided to use super glue for this level as it obviously will require a good deal filling and smoothing. To bend the planks for the bow curve I made what I'd read about, a pegboard. I had no idea of hole spacing so made them 1" apart and off set 50% on the next row. Used 3/8" dowel not that seemed very critical. I made a plank soaker out of 1 1/2" scrap electrical pipe and just soaked the lime wood end about 6" to accommodate the bow curve. After an hour "on the rack" I placed them in front of a drier on low for a while until the wood dried out, leaving a curvature close to that needed. I progressed to the end of the easy bit, will now do the other side. Already I can see where a former was slightly under line to the others but that should be easy to fill out with balsa prior to finishing off. The fine gaps will, I hope fill OK but all that seems straightforward. I realise that superglue is not to be used for the outer planking and have woodworking glue for that. I expect to take a lot more time doing the outer planking work. I’ll post more in the next week as I’m keen to get the hull work done without taking too much time out. I’m finding that the amount of online and published information is great, but it also makes progressing to a next process a time of uncertainty as I try to work out which method to adopt. Nothing new in that, I expect. Here’s a progress photo,
  5. Thanks TL.. I'm almost ready to get serious planked just have to get the framework gluing surfaces lined up proper. Once I start it will progress fairly well.. more or less depending on how I avoid stuff-ups . I find the Mantua manual a bit disappointing, if I were running that show (given the long time they have been at it) I'd have rewritten it with better content. That is, I'd write what my experts have done.
  6. Thanks for that. I will just block the cavity between the last 2 bulkheads then start planning the planking. I take it the deck planking, the bulwarks and the transom upper/lower are done after the first planking? Getting to be serious stuff, now..
  7. After a delay (wife "suggested" I get some household jobs done before getting into this ) so I now have. Following others I added blocks to the bow and have started on the stern, but the two I've fitted may not be enough. Please check my photos and advise me one way or the other, I'd rather learn before than after. I haven't worked on the plank to frame contours yet.
  8. Thanks for your info Chris. How do you find the A.L. instructions/plans/diagrams in terms of ease of following (leave the doing as a individual thing) ? No, I don't "build" my rc sailboats but I sure as heck "mod" then to a fair degree. They are basically cheap Chinese kit boats that have enough quality and design to come up to a very competitive level with some help with ideas (my son sells the 4 eBooks ).. Here's our website and forum which is into its 6th year and has over 1500 global members (not all active, though) www.shipshaperc.com Being a retiree (7th year) I guess I'm fortunate to be able to do pretty much what I want in terms of time. right now the workshop resembles a disaster with stuff everywhere, but I'm doing a complete makeover to accommodate both hobbies (and to find some of the stuff in there that has been, well, misplaced? ) If I can model up a ship as well as I can make a mess then I'm going to fine.
  9. Ah, Chris.. We're almost neighbours.. Crusoe Res is where I do all my rc sailing.. Check our website, it might interest you to come by some time. www.crusoercs.com Is your Swift an A.L. kit? What brand of Endeavour did you go for? I'm not game to even THINK about a second ship, yet.. But if I ever do it's likely to be a Gorch Fock or a AMERGIO VESPUCCI (the less expensive ones). however I don't think it's a good idea to think about those for a while. I'm interested to know what soldering and blackening you are doing. I only use the reverse A.C. to take the chill off if it's an early morning session. I'm currently reading up on pre-planking procedure, slow going for me. Regards Mal
  10. Chris For 40 years I had non-heated/cooled workspace but just rugged up as best I could. These days, in retirement, I am able to make up for that somewhat. I've rearranged the space considerably to give more access to the work table and to view anything I have tacked up on the pinboard. The Mantua plans includes some unnecessarily tiny printing. As best I could I've made a model holder that hopefully will make building a bit easier. No doubt I'll modify it further as it gets the real testing. I'll add some additional overhead lighting tomorrow then get on with reading all the articles I've gathered up before getting back to the model. I live in Bendigo Victoria Australia, about 100 miles north of Melbourne. It's mid-winter down here.
  11. Thanks for the replies, I know it's not much to look at but.. Unfortunately (in terms of build progress) I took a couple of hard looks at my work area and decided it wouldn't do. So, it's in the throws of a total makeover, I'll post a pic or two in the next day or so. The Mantua instructions are pretty much what people say to expect, not too bad but kind of written by experts for novices. Do they ever think to hand them over to a newcomer for comments? If I flounder as I get into planking I will certainly seek your assistance, it's more than likely. I've decided to have a go at making a simple boat holding gadget. somewhat like the one's they call a hull vise/vyce. I've got some ideas but in the meantime have made a rather nifty Lazy Susan on which to mount the adjustable gear. Probably have it done tomorrow. I'll leave further building a bit , while I read up more. Fun, isn't it? I can see why you guys are so into it. Thanks again.
  12. Well, it's under way. Having never done any wooden ship modelling before this is all new to me. I researched over a week or so after seeing a mate's 20 y.o. Corel Endeavour in Sydney Aust recently and decided on the Bounty. I've spent years with rc model sailboats (have too many..) and feel like doing something a little different but still with a sailing theme.. Anyway, bought my kit a week ago and gathered up necessary tools (also been building rc airplanes for many years, but not in recent times) and have ordered and am receiving specific tools for this hobby. So far I have assembled the basic form of bulkheads and horizontal pieces. I can see some careful measuring of the outer profile is necessary but shouldn't be too hard to get into proper shape. So far the instructions are fine, there really is not a lot in it, but I expect things will get more demanding from now on. Some photos from today. My work area..
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