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Everything posted by LMDAVE29

  1. Progress on the ratlines. Its slow going but almost up there. A little tight with the clove hitches as you get up there.
  2. Thanks. And I agree, really nice natural looking ratlines really makes the ship. I'm thinking about doing furled sails or half raised sails on this one.
  3. OK, well as soon as I finished one full set of shrouds (alternating pairs from port to starboard), my impatience jumped ahead to test rigging a few rungs of the ratlines the proper way. Past ships I cheated with glue for knots. But, did clove hitches this time. Take a little practice getting snug enough with no slack but leaving just the right sag.
  4. Thanks, yeah definitely either steam the planks or even dip them in boiling water for about 5-10 seconds before bending them, they dry out fairly quickly. Never any drastic bends on dry pieces.
  5. Started rigging up the shrouds to the dead eyes (Or chump block as this kit likes to refer to it as). This is always my favorite part of a ship build, it's when it really brings it all together.
  6. Some more rigging shots. The thread size given for the dead eye lashing is slightly too thick. I'll leave it for the stays but may order some thinner for use on the shrouds later.
  7. Yes, I have since tapered the bowsprit more, the earlier picture when I was playing around with the rigging blocks it wasn't tapered good yet. And the lower masts are not tapered, the topmast is.
  8. Assembled the lower parts of the 3 masts this weekend and added in the forestay to get into the rigging a little.
  9. I started assembling the bowsprit, and when I got to the first couple of rigging blocks I stropped them with steel wire and even though it's effective I did't really like the look on this ship. I decided I'm going to strop all blocks with rope now, it's a little more of a pain with the seizing thread but I do think it looks more natural to this period ship.
  10. HI Joe One thing i learned from model cars was making turn signals. Using this "Clear red" form Tamiya paint, and paint it over aluminum foil gives it a real red plastic/glass look.Just make a coil of aluminum and paint it with that stuff to replace the red plastic in the kit. This is some examples of the red used over aluminum foil on some cars I did: http://pic90.picturetrail.com/VOL2150/904309/24630821/410928902.jpg http://pic90.picturetrail.com/VOL2150/904309/24630821/410928898.jpg
  11. Thanks Bob, I'm just about ready to start working on the masts. Also, I've been contemplate doing furled sails on this. I've done no sails before, and full sails, never tried furled. So, I want to research the best furled look and go with it.
  12. More updates. Definitely like outside picture better when it comes to perfect lighting.
  13. Rigged up the anchor. It'll be seized with rope, but I'll wait until after deadeyes are rigged down the road to do that.
  14. Thanks edmay. Starting assembling deadeyes. I'm not crazy about the way this kit has the chainplates made with twisting wire. Hopefully they hold under tension.
  15. Some more deck/belaying pin updates, also practicing some photography also. I don't know if this backing sheet is "too much" but I thought it gives it a new touch. May just use some solid backing sheets and do some more of these water ones at the end.
  16. Thanks, I used Testors Bronze spray for the cannon, with a dust spray of flat black at the tips for a used look.
  17. Its been a while since I've update. Took a little break through the holidays, but back on it now. Finally got all of the cannons rigged and mounted, and started on the deck belaying pins.
  18. Thanks guys, yeah, I decided not to use the metal pins with the kit and ordered some 10mm wood pins, they were a little fatter than desired, but I do like the look of them. I probably built that pinrack about 5 times and finally settled on that one. I will try to give some more space on the other ones.
  19. To keep the jumping around to deck things, I've been working on the jolly boat, still have some work to do on the cleats, but it's basically done.
  20. Thanks Fish, it is a fun build. The build starts out as blocks and strips of wood and after you get to the gun ports and rubbing strakes it pops into this beautiful ship. I went ahead and finished a full rigging of the cannon so I'll know what I'm in for with the other 11. The dark thread used for the rigging is not my favorite because it doesn't stand out against the dark brown carriage, but i think I'll stick with it.
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