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Everything posted by Torbogdan
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
I´ve started on the internal rigging for the fuselage bracing. I know it is a bit on the "heavy" side but after trying out a few different techniques and wires this is what is the best compromise between size and "time spent". A thin thin metal wire would look nice but after trying it out it took a lot longer time than using thread. There are quite a few wires and if each wire takes 15 minutes longer ( for example) and there is about thirty wires... Well that is a few hours of extra work. I´m torn between detailing and ( in the end ) finishing. It is easy for projects to bog down if you spend too much time "just adding that final touch" on each and every detail, in the end the model does not get finished or at least not in a reasonable time. So I try to stop myself from falling in that "trap". I try to choose a middle ground In an early step I used the kit provided thread for the internal bracing. If I had changed to a much thinner thread it would have looked a bit weird. This was before I was made aware of the Uschi website. I would have liked to use their stretchable rigging but it was a bit too late to redo everything. I´ll keep it in mind for my next aircraft model. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
@vossiewulf, nice pictures. Thanks. I´m using a thinner thread for the rest of the wiring compared with the one in the kit. Looking back I would have used a even thinner one but to change now would look strange, because the internal bracing is made up of the "thick" string supplied in the kit. If the the rest of the bracing was done in a very much noticeable wiring it would look strange I think. But still, scale wise the wiring is too thick. My next model (already planning one...) I thinking of using very thin fishing thread. Being translucent and thin I think it will give a good impression of thin, thin wire. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
The next step according to the instructions! I guess this is the equivalent to rigging a ship model It is very nice to read all the different posts here. I learn a lot about WWI planes in general and the Fokker in particular and specifics, such as machine-guns and constructing rotary engines in 1/16 scale -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Due to a heavy workload during the last days I have not had time to "follow" my own thread. Hope to be back in about a week. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
You are very correct. I would seriously consider a new engine and some controls and levers in the cockpit. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
I have decided to buy the Gaspatch guns. The ones in the kit are not to my liking, missing way too much detail. For me a fighter aircraft "is its guns". If it doesnt have nice looking guns what use is the model😉? -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
The tail assembly has been glued into place! And although it is difficult to see the tail skid has also been fitted. I started on the machine-guns a few days ago. It is a much later step but there was not much else I could work an a few days ago as I was waiting for glue to set and time to get the nylon thread to replace what was "missing" from the kit. Now I have 220 yards of grey nylon thread thanks to the local supermarket... The tail assembly in place! It is difficult when large subassemblies are put together as all the small little mistakes made earlier "gets multiplied" and things are/look out of joint or not perfect matches. All angles that were 89 degrees instead of 90 suddenly gets noticeable as all small mistakes are "added" together. But all in all, it looks good, I think! On the tail skid a bit of bungee cord is not yet added. The cord in the kit was a bit too thick, I´ll replace it with thinner black thread/rubber band. The Spandaus, quite "iconic" German MG from WWI. The casting is not such good quality. I´m spoiled by crisp resin and hard plastic model kits so soft Britannia metal does not impress me (it can only be matched by my inability to take sharp pictures...). I have added some putty as there was large gaps between the pieces. This will of course be sand papered. A lot would have been won if the cooling mantlet had been made in photoetch I think. The MG:s will of course get some more work done on them, painting and such. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
If US customs will let a beer can through, no problem! -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Skål och välkommen! I did not expect a Swede in the US on this site! Yes a most excellent beer. Working on the aileron/elevator control sub assembly and the rudder pedals on control brace. Lots of strings to be attached. But most strange as I ran out of string before everything was done. I´m missing about 3-4 feet of string in the kit. The length of string in the kit is at least 3 feet too short. I´m not a wasteful person and have not wasted any significant amount so far. It says the kit includes 5 yards which should translate to 457 cm of string. rudder pedals use (approx) 4+4+30+30= 68 cm aileron/elevator (approx) 4+4+30+30+30+30=128cm 41+41+41+41=164cm Altogether 360 cm which should leave about 97 cm for the cross bracing in the frames and fuselage bracing. I have not yet started on the fuselage bracing and have yet to do three of the four 30cm piece for the aileron/elevator... Even if the kit included 5 yards it still feels bit tight with 97 cm for all the fuselage and frame bracing. But now it was not even close to being enough string in the kit. It is no big deal, I´ll just buy some in a store (or steal some sewing string from my wife...) But I do feel such an expensive kit should have had enough material. It was the same with the 1/64 ix 1/16 inch strips. It was not enough in the kit. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Family is away for the evening, I´m all alone at home. Got a model and a can of beer. Life is good! -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
No picture update but work continues! Unfortunately the stringers on the body separated from the frames so I had to reglue them. That was a small setback. Then my soldering iron gave up so I had to buy a new one. So finishing the stabilizer took far longer than necessary. Now I´m working on the control stick and its assembly. Going pretty well. I´ll try to upload some picture tomorrow or day after that! -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
All the pieces so far! I have decided to "paint" the model so the metal parts have been spray painted with "plate metal" color. Wooden parts I will keep "wooden". It takes time but it is a very rewarding kit to build. I really look forward to putting all these subassemblies together. Then it will really begin to look like an aircraft instead of a pile of parts. I also look forward to some "easy" building of the engine and getting all the details in place. And although I enjoy soldering it will be nice to be more or less done with it (for the moment at least!) Some work left on the stabilizer and tail section on the aircraft and then, I guess, time to build the final jig. Once again a great kit! -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
@xken, that is absolutely beautiful. Very well executed. I'm very impressed. 👍 -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Correct Vossiewulf, the elevator part (lower part in the picture) is not finished, some ribs are indeed missing. My English is not perfect as I called it the "aileron". -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Done with the stabilizer and working on the aileron. New epoxy glue bought! Now nothing can stop me I enjoy soldering, much more satisfying than gluing. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
When I was going to continue with the fuselage I noticed that someone had used up all my glue... When I asked my 5 year old about it she just said she needed glue for her projects. Who am I to say that it was wrong... So I´ll have to get some more tomorrow. So instead I started on the horizontal tail. The fuselage can be seen in the background. The soldering on the tail went very well. I have one question for you all. Should I paint the fuselage with silver paint to simulate the welded steel? Or should I keep the color of the different metals used for the model. In other words should I keep it looking like a "true model" (no paint) or should I go for a more "miniature" look and paint it? I cannot make my mind up which to choose. I think both sides have merit. I´m like a donkey between two haystacks, I change my mind a couple of times a day -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
A quick update before off to work. Being excited how last evenings work worked out I got up earlier than necessary this morning and added a few more stringers. So far I´m very pleased. I can imagine realigning the fuselage with tension wires must have been a chore. Was it the maneuvering of the aircraft during air combat that was partly responsible for the "twisting" of the fuselage? I had no idea this had to be done. But since the aircraft was covered with cloth did they remove and replace the cloth or did they have "access panels" in the skin so to speak? Amazing what can be learned here by knowledgeable people -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Adding the stringers to the frames. Not easy, at all... Getting everything aligned and centered and not having the top stringers "pop loose" as there is some tension is difficult.. Some picture from the drawings how the parts should be aligned to fit each other Important to note how close the engine frame are to the other frame, the first of the "aircraft frames". using one rubber band was way too tight. using two was way to slack. But using the clamps and two rubber bands was perfect. That way I could adjust the tension perfectly. I want the rubber band to hold the stringer in place but not really put much pressure on it so that it bends or deforms or pushes the frames out of alignment. The two top stringers in place. It took quite a long time to get everything in place, Now I will glue them in place. I will use cyanoacrylate glue aka super glue. The instructions says epoxy, but this should work. The two top stringers are not to join with the last frame. Two shorter stringers go from the second to last frame to the last frame. So far so good. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
First a picture of the frames then the same frames and engine mount mounted in the jig. A bit tricky as all the frames will need to be perfectly aligned to each other. I must say that the instructions are very good. At first I did not like them so much but now I have changed my mind totally. It is almost like a kitchen cook book, just follow the instructions exactly and you can´t go wrong... It is a good idea to read ahead a bit for each new part or section you are building. Reading ahead and looking at the pictures of the finished parts helps a lot as it is othewise slightly like not seeing the forest for all the trees. When you know what the finished piece/section will look like you get a much better picture/understanding of the instructions you try to follow to get there. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
A bit of work done yesterday and today. Not much to show pictures of though. the next major step is to basically assemble the fuselage. Then there will be pictures! -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Thanks a lot! You have identified my major worry, alignment. With so many parts and "points of contact to glue" I think there is risk for "warpage" ( for lack of a better word). The jig will be of great help ( I hope) and I think it will be of great importance to really follow the instructions and do what they say so to speak. It is with great trepidation I venture into building the fuselage... -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
A WIP picture of the top wing, adding the nylon string that strengthens the wing. Done! Some small photo etched parts will be added when I add the ailerons. Now it will get a coat of varnish and dry for a day or two. So while that dries I will start on the frames. All the frames have been washed and sanded to remove flash and ugly spots. The holes in the turnbuckles have been drilled out. The string is being prepared. It said that the nylon string should be wetted with water and hung for a day with a weight to "lengthen" it. So it is hanging with a weight until dry. Also the middle wing, which I got a spare part for is also drying. The plywood part was to be soaked for 30 mins then wrapped around a dowel and left to dry to shape it properly. Basically now all I can do is wait for the varnish on the top wing to dry, for the string to dry and for the plywood to dry. I guess I can roam the internet for a while with a clear conscience -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
Time to (almost) start on the fuselage. The jig is assembled. Also some great news! I got the replacement parts from Model Expo! So now I have enough parts to finish the wings. So before I start on the fuselage I will finish the wings. The plan was to start on the fuselage but the same day I was starting I got the parts from Model Expo. The fuselage parts are washed with water and some soap to get rid of grease or other goo from the casting process. I have also tidied them up with some sand paper to get nice parts free of casting flash and miscasting. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
The second aileron almost done. I need to solder a few details and then polish them a bit. Luckily Proxxon sells a polishing set... Amazing how one always need to buy something... Just one more thing or set, then I have everything. Until next building session. My very much improvised "base" used for soldering. I have an "extra hand set" but the crocodile clips does not hold the parts perpendicular to each other and it is difficult to get everything straight. This method, although not very pleasing to the eye, worked great. Soldering the wire to the end of the aileron the extra hand set worked great. Some extra crocodile clips used as heat sinks. Almost done, some detailing needs to be soldered on and then polishing! I have also continued to work on the top wing. I´ve added a few braces. Hopefully the parts from Model Expo will arrive in a week or so and then I can finish the wing. Next step will be to add the ailerons to the top wing. -
Fokker Dr.I by Torbogdan - FINISHED - Model Airways
Torbogdan replied to Torbogdan's topic in Non-ship/categorised builds
I got an answer from Model Expo yesterday! They will send the parts I asked for! Good news. I have started to solder the second aileron, will post some pictures tomorrow. As soon as I get the parts from Model expo I can finish the middle and top wing. Then I´m "back on track" with building things in the correct order I don´t know why but I really like to do things in the correct order.
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