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Everything posted by Eibwen

  1. Yeah I did think about ballasting. I experimented with stone or sand and I found sand as a good ballast but I haven't placed it yet. As for the marker, I'm glad that I found out (just now) that it wasn't water based. Thanks for the luck!
  2. I'll be posting updates on the masts and sails. Here are the beginnings of the galleon.
  3. Hello modelshipworld! I am Clement and I'm here to present my galleon. I'm an avid fan of sailing ships. I have been learning, watching, and modelling them by cardboard. However, I haven't been building for a long long while until my little brother asked me if I could make a ship (he showed me a picture of the Andalucia galleon replica) and I said "sure thing!" I thought of building it with cardboard however, he wanted to see it float in water. Sure, you can float a cardboard ship on water but it won't last as long as a ship made of wood. And I was looking for other materials and I remembered about popsicle sticks. It was a challenge. I'm having difficulties in shaping popsicle sticks into the right shapes because it's my first time using popsicle stick as a medium for building models. I also don't have power tools to help and I have to rely on scissors and paper cutter to shape them. I designed the ship with inspiration from early English and Spanish galleons. It will be armed with 26 "side cannons" and 2 "chasing cannons". The hull, the frame, everything (except the masts, sails, ropes, and windows) was made with popsicle sticks. I covered the bottom with epoxy to seal it and make it able to float. I then painted it with a water-resistant paint in the colour of "Vida Mocha" and a black marker for the hull reinforcements and "girdles"
  4. Oh, I thought I there wasn't but I revisited all the posts. I forgot to edit it.
  5. I am enamored by your build giorgo! By the way, saw your vid of the fleuron in youtube
  6. I am enamored by your build giorgo! By the way, saw your vid of the fleuron in youtube
  7. Ba dum Tss!
  8. By the way, if you want to use salt dough for your model, you may want to put the salt dough decorations in a low temp room or area, works for me
  9. haha, good luck with that ej -Eibwen
  10. yup, you need flour, salt and water. mix the flour and salt. add water if it gets sticky, add more flour and if it gets cracked, add water. mix until desired texture (somewhat like a clay feeling in it, a modelling clay)
  11. Hello! I am going to show you all my latest project as of this time (Im planning on starting with Majesty on March) so, I do not know what type of ship this is but I built it. hope you liked it -Eibwen
  12. well, ever wished cruising in one? or perhaps making one of them in real life? (life sized, I mean) It would cost a lot of money and that is why we build models here! right?
  13. mtdoramike, that is some tasty food! Ate that yesterday, now I feel like eating it again
  14. Jaager, those two french galley looks awesome! Marcus, oh! the De Seven Provincien!! such a beautiful ship!!
  15. oh! thx frolick, uss president was such a wonderful frigate!
  16. Jan, whenever I placed them on the hull, they become hard (must be because of the chemical reaction due to the superglue, as I said before) best regards -Eibwen
  17. the windooooooooooow!!!!!!! I have to fix
  18. For anyone wondering about how I use salt dough for deco, here, you're welcome Its the stern gallery of my new ship
  19. Dayumn, I found out that most ships that are heavily decorated are Dutch ships! then I think second to that would be the French just a thought thanks a lot -Eibwen
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