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About halevine

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  • Location
    Ames, Iowa
  • Interests
    Age of sail, 13th to 19th Century. I build from kits, but only historical models.

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  1. Model Expo is now selling pretty good blocks made from pear wood.   I am now using boxwood blocks on my Connie (Model Shipways) so I am not going to switch.   But how do people feel about pear vs boxwood for blocks?

  2. Well I found the three sizes of Amati line that I was seeking at "Modelerscentral.com.  I haven't bought it yet because it was suggested to me that crocheting yarn might be a good alternative.


    Sizes are a bit tricky  as they are quoted in integers 3,4,...200.  The larger the number the lower the diameter.  But I found a website that ties these numbers to "WPI"  or wraps per inch.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  The problem is to get the same shade of beige in all three sizes.  


    Thanks for your input.

  3. I am looking for 0.1mm, 0.25mm, 0.5mm beige rigging line. Syren doesn't have them in stock, Model Expo doesn't have 0.5mm in stock. I ordered some from an outfit called WoodenModelSHipKit that said they had Amati line in those sizes.  What they sent with the correct invoices was incorrect sizes.    Any ideas for reliable sources?  Thanks  Howard

  4. Well I knew about the toilet paper-hand sanitizer and other critical needs of human life but model ship blocks?   Who'da thunk!   Thank you Chuck, for clearing this up.

  5. I am looking for a vendor for boxwood blocks for my MS Constitution. The kit supplied blocks are not very good. Syren, from whom I have bought excellent blocks in the past, does not seem to have any at the moment. I have inquired as to when they will again be available but have received no response. Thanks for your help.
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