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Everything posted by andante

  1. I had to ask Hobbyzone about the small holes in end supports. See the slots on both sides of the concave piece (picture 4 in instructions)? If you need to change the height of this piece, "the slots have to be in one line with small holes on both sides, then you will know that vertical is fine", said Hobbyzone. As for the small nails in the ziplock bag - they are included to give more strength to the snappers in picture 6. "The spacer blocks should be glued to the bottom of the support bracket, to allow the bracket to be able to range over the keel supports if necessary." I finally understood what Seahorse wanted to say earlier - but not before I had glued them on top.. Hobbyzone sent me new parts free of charge. I would call that good customer service. The picture shows the correct setup.
  2. Love your true-to original approach. Construction of a windmill cap may be complicated. Not surprising that " a brandy bottle was often used to lighten the heavy labour. When the cap was put on the mill, a special treat - brandy with sugar and nutmeg - was served" (from instructions for snuffmill model). Noticed that some windmill plans in 1:15 are mentioned also on Penterbak´s netsite. http://www.penterbak.nl I wonder if you have seen the impressive VideoDrone clip on Vimeo? Beautiful. https://vimeo.com/64956881
  3. Hollandse molen, wow! Reminds me of a small snuffmill model I made some time ago. Used drawings from the old kit by Authentic Shipmodels Amsterdam and built it completely from alder. Found the original kit in Amsterdam 40 years ago. It is a "werkend" model - all wheels are running! The scale is 1 : 50. Have a lovely weekend!
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