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About SouthPoleCat

  • Birthday 01/16/1937

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  • Location
    Northern Virgina & Coastal NC
  • Interests
    Scratch build local fishing and shrimping boats that operated in area I grew up in. Just completed latest project in that "portrait" series, six models of the 78 foot shrimp trawler "CAPT PHILLIPS" ( 4 for that family and 2 for mine).

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  1. Coastal NC is a wonderful area to pursue the beauty and charm of things-boat! I found that out in a small fishing village there and am still scratch-building local fishing vessel models. Beware "Old" member, this hobby can be entrapping … while not yet "old" (IMHO) I do have about two decades on you!!! My current model is a shrimp trawler … 1:42 plank on bulkhead … putting on finishing touches!
  2. Eureka .... we are on to something! I first checked my chain with a magnet and got no reaction. Then I heated it with my torch and was pleased to see the "silver" changing to dark grays and black. When I buffed it with a cloth I saw "copper". Now I will search for a way to color any copper that shows thru those grays! Thanks for your help!
  3. I have purchased some very promising jewelry chain from my local MIchaels craft store. Size and shape are excellent but the finish is a bright "silver". I have no idea what the chain is made of but desire to change its color to something more "realistic" for boat model work. Ideas?
  4. There are two types of CA glues (IMHO): the "regular" very thin instant-drying; and the thicker types that can span small gaps better than the regular CA, AND these glues do NOT bond instantly but are "accelerated" by a spray-on product. The thicker types are the ones I use and I love them! They bond to just about anything, are not "messy" if used with care, and they can be adjusted for a final positioning before "setting" with that spray. They can be found in model aircraft hobby shops.
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