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About briane

  • Birthday 02/06/1948

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    Philadelphia area

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  1. Thank you for all the messages of welcome and support. I will try and set up a build log and add some photos that I took earlier. I think that this is going to be a slow build because of all of the other activities that I have and the "Honey Do" list from my wife........................................................
  2. Hello everyone. I have just joined the forum having found this site while looking for information about model building. A few years ago my wife bought me the HM Chatham Yacht kit and I have waited until retirement to start the build - my first wooden model............ I am at the stage of planking and have read numerous articles and watched videos and so I had a good idea of how to go about this. However, every ship is different. I am at the stage of putting the top planking onto the bulwark tabs and there is nothing in the instructions or on-line, that I can find, that provides detail on where/how to attach the planking at the bow, particularly as the planking is above the keel and has a gap in the middle for the bowsprit. Hope this question is not too simple for you all, don't want to waste your time thanks brian
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