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Everything posted by Dali

  1. Thank you for your nice comments and likes, I am very pleased that you enjoy my work so much, thank you.🙂 ShaneofGY for the model mostly used pear wood. Greetings, Piotrek
  2. Bardzo dziękuję, Bom i gafel. Pozdrawiam Piotrek.
  3. I was thinking about two details that are not planned. I soldered with silver. Thank you WalrusGuy, thank you PRS, best regards Piotrek.
  4. The alert will not have sails, so the running rigging will be managed differently. There was stenga, fixed and movable rigging. Greetings, Piotrek
  5. Hello. Joachim, please ask the question more precisely again, because the Google translator explains it so much that it is incomprehensible to me. Jean-Paul, I do the ropes myself, I use ordinary sewing threads Talia 30 and Talia 120. The photo below. Gary, Me and my crew, thank you. 🙂 Hsae, I bought the LED lamp on Ebay, it is nice, shapely, well made of good materials, powered by 230 V / 50 Hz and most importantly it fulfills its task. Below is a link to the store. https://www.ebay.de/itm/164086042897?fbclid=IwAR35O5R0y9f0eCbQ19GbPhMmrcuiLGfoSXxG1rehb2L6xzvBX_uhtZYNQCQ Thank you very much for your kind words and likes. Greetings, Piotrek.
  6. Thank you for liking, thank you Joachim, thank you Daniel. Hello Joachim, I use BRADIM Oxide for brass blackening. Oxidation does not black evenly, I try to keep the tin as little visible as possible and more from the inside. Do czernienie mosiądzu używam Oksydę BRADIM . Oksyda nie czerni równomiernie, staram się żeby cyny było jak najmniej w miejscu widocznym a bardziej od wewnątrz. Greetings, Piotrek
  7. Very nice photos, excellent report, you can learn a lot from it, a fantastic model, thank you and best regards. Piotrek
  8. Thank you very much for your opinions and likes Yes it is a swivel vise adapted to the Proxxon milling machine, very precise and useful thing. The photos show what my milling machine looks like. Andy, Echoes is a great choice 🙂, my "helpers" and I send you my best regards.
  9. Thank you very much for all likes. Elements of the mast. Greetings, Piotrek.
  10. Hi Cotrecerf. Oh, now I understand your question. I was concerned about permanently attaching everything to the deck, but I did attach everything except the pumps. Now I will have to be careful with the rigging, but I don't think it will be too bad. The cannons had to be attached permanently, there was no exit, the winch (capstan) had to be permanently attached, because the bowsprit would be attached to the winch. Greetings, Piotrek
  11. Thanks a lot for the likes and feedback. Cotrecerf, Alert will have masts and sails according to the book "Anatomy of the Ship - Cutter HMS Alert - 1777". I don't know yet what the final stand will be. Greetings, Piotrek
  12. Thank you very much 🙂, Alert 1777. Regards, Piotr
  13. Uchwyty do falkonetów nie dały się równo poczernić, za dużo było plam, cyna inaczej się czerni mosiądz inaczej dla tego pomalowałem czarnym matowym akrylem. Bardzo kolegą dziękuję. Pozdrawiam.
  14. Dziękuję Rafał, dziękuję za polubienie. Kotwica. Spławiki olchowe, ja też użyłem ołowiu, który łatwo układał się na boi. Ołów jest czerniony i lakierowany, aby zapobiec utlenianiu. Pozdrawiam Piotrek.
  15. Thank you very much 🙂, Mike, I glued the slats to the board with a piece and screwed the whole thing to a vice, it is clearly visible in the pictures. The next stage is the anchor.
  16. Thank you all for your opinions and likes, I am very happy that you like my work. Buchty, or so-called suns, I made on adhesive tape, attached the rudder (4mm blocks) and finished the rope railing. Greetings, Piotrek
  17. This is what Alert looks like today. Greetings, Piotrek
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