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    Calgary AB, Canada
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    Ships, Planes, Hiking, Mushrooms

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  1. You have the instruction book for the Roger B Taney by Dikar?

    Does it tell you how to assemble the deckhouse? Figures 29 and 29a?


    1. Salty Sea Dog

      Salty Sea Dog

      Hi Cooey,


      My guess is that I have the same instruction  book as yours. It jumps from fig 28 to 30. There is written instructions though they don't say to much.



    2. Jim F

      Jim F

      Hi Salty Sea Dog,

      Many years after purchase I'm finally getting around to building my Dikar Roger B Taney and suprise, there's no Instruction book so if you still have yours would greatly appreciate if you could contact me


      Many thanks

  2. Hi I'm a new member. I built a couple of Billings models when l was younger, one with the help of my father. About the time I married I started building a Dikar model of the Roger B Taney, but when we moved to our 2nd house, driven by birth of our second child the model got put away and left untouched for 30 years. My kids are out of the house now and I'm retiring at the end of the year. I looked for and found the kit and was rummaging through it, thought it was probably time I returned to it. In my rummaging trying to figure out what step I had left off I had questions. Thinking google might be able to help I stumbled on your site and decided to sign myself up. My question. Does anyone out there have a set of instructions that include figure 29 and 29a that shows you how to assemble the deck house. They seem to have referenced these figures in my instruction set but neglected to actually include them. Can anyone help me out?
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