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Posts posted by tararasik

  1. Wow, looks like a great model to build. I'm building my Black Pearl and was looking on this model. But at the moment will just watch your build.

    I'm a little bit disappointed by the issues that you've mentioned about this kit: single planking, plywood gunports and bow fillers. Looks like you have quite an extra work. I guess double planking could fix all of this issues, but I'm not sure is there enough material for it. As for overall plans or references, I know about two scratch projects, one from Japanese guy and another from Russian that could help.

  2. 19 minutes ago, 72Nova said:

    Love the detail you're putting into this, looks fantastic!. I had built my version of this ship in 2004 using the old Revell English Man O war kit.


    Michael D.

    Thanks for your kind words. I feel like I went a bit too much with the details and now how to rest. Because main improvements I planned for the rigging and it's overwhelming. Do you have photos of your version of BP? I heard that there is another Pirate Ship from Zvezda and only difference is extra decorations like figures on the nose and trunk.

  3. I rest a bit from actual building but read a lot about masting and rigging. I already learned a lot of terms, but still there are so many things that I don't understand or rather can't find. Usually I have to go through couple of books to finally find something. Is it usual thing, or I read wrong books?) But I guess it's classic - Anderson, Petersson, Mondfeld. But despite that I managed to build a mizzen mast and topmast.


  4. 7 hours ago, Acker said:

    P.S. A few years ago while I was In Sydney, I toured the HMS Endeavour replica in Darling Harbour. It was very memorable and difficult to beleive that Captain Cook and his colleagues and crew went such a distance, spent so long and achieved so much in such a tiny ship. Amazing experience.


    I was always into the ships, and couple years ago I visited Amsterdam Navy museum. There is a real-scale replica of ship Amsterdam, and it was amazing. I guess now, while building my ship it would be even greater experience.

  5. 6 hours ago, Acker said:

    Thanks Tararasik, your kind words are much appreciated. The "Supply" is a really nice ship and has a great history. Despite the manufacturers claims I would not class it as a beginners project as the instructions are not really clear enough to follow easily, the later stages of the rigging instructions are particularly difficult to understand. Fortunately for me there were some really good builds logs of this ship and I was able to refer to them when I got into difficulties. A pity you gave up on the "Endeavour", could you not strip off the first layer of planking and start again?

    It is so good to hear from you in the Ukraine where you have so much conflict and sorrow at the moment. I hope that peace comes soon to the people of your great country.


    Wow, thanks for the support, it means a lot. I'm from relatively safe region far from the front line, so I have a luxury to do hobbies. As for the Endeavour it was couple of years ago. I didn't have enough experience, the kit and instructions were poor so I went to the forum for help. But found a wrong community with a very high standards and no possibility to fail. So I gave up soon, and throw the hull out. But now lesson learned, I'm here with a great and supporting community, building my Black Pearl and reading other builds, looking for my next model.

  6. 11 hours ago, Old Collingwood said:

    Looking excellent,   with  the spars   if you could  make them from wood dowels  - it will   save you in the end  as the plastic ones  will  bend/break from tthe rigging.



    Thanks. I already tested masts and I plan to leave only "lower" masts plastic but with wooden rods inside and replace all the top masts with wooden. As for the spars, I guess it would be easier to make them from scratch than cut them off from the sails ))

  7. Ok, I finally did it - all the cannons. I'm not completely satisfied with the result, but in general they look good. It was a nightmare to work with ropes and superglue. It sticks to everything but the ropes )) And it leaves white spots. Is there anything better to use? 

    So here is what I have at the moment.

    This is my rope factory )

    And this is how full rigged cannons look.


    To reward myself after this, I made my first proper rigging - gammoning of the bowsprit. It was a pleasure to work with and the result is very satisfying.


    Then installed decorations around it.


    Tried my modern lifeboat, but it didn't fit so I'll proceed with the old-school one :) I'm not sure what is the proper way to tie it up, can you suggest?


    Decided to improve it a bit and made a sail on the spar.


    As my deck part is almost finished, I also want to add some stuff on it. At the moment I have couple of barrels. But it still looks empty, especially the poop deck. What can I add more? Maybe some boxes, buckets, some ropes. I would appreciate if you can give me some references.


  8. Today was another fight and I won ))) First two cannons and I assume they were hardest to install in that limited space. But I'm pretty happy with the result, at least visible part of the result ) 


    I also made the rope railings


    Next I'm going to glue stairs and capstan, I guess they are the last parts on the deck, and cover all the deck and hull with matt varnish. Then install all the cannons and continue with the masts.


  9. Time has come and I finally have to finish cannons. So I started with blocks, drilled the holes and cut off plastic tackles. Made a necklace to paint.


    To make rings I came up with such idea. Pinned small nails without caps, wrap the wire around, shape a bit with a tweezer and cut it with a knife. I made 50 rings in a half an hour. 


    And breeching. I didn't make the seizings, as it wouldn't be visible but very time consuming. Just glued the end of the rope around the ring. Then made a loop to put it on the cannon.


  10. On 9/1/2022 at 11:55 PM, Jeff T said:

    I have not built that particular kit, but those look suspiciously like “pins” that would have corresponding holes on the spars that will likely be glued to the masts at some point.  Try dry fitting the spars to the masts and see if they have matching pins/holes.

    Thank you, you absolutely right. I thoroughly read the instruction and found this. But I still will remove those pins as I'm not sure that I'll use spars from the kit.


  11. 12 hours ago, Jeff T said:

    It is challenging and can be time consuming to make your own parts, but in the end, it can give you a very good feeling and help to drive interest to keep plugging forward.  Your staircases look very good!  

    Thanks for the kind words, it helps me a lot. In this particular case, the result worth the effort. But I still felt like totally exhausted when I finished it. There should be additional pillars, but I'm not ready to make them, so I just leave as it is. I guess it's the last big improvement on this ship ))
    Meanwhile I primed staircases and railings for the stairs to the lower deck, I'm going to make them with ropes.


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